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March 15, 2004 Issue
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Undemocratic Process
There has been much comment about the take-no-prisoners approach of the Congressional Republican leadership in cramming through the Medicare prescription-drug benefit this pas...
Was Strom a Rapist?
Months after Strom Thurmond's African-American daughter, Essie Mae Washington-Williams, stepped into history, commentators continue to step around the most explosive aspect ...
Press Watch
The conduct of our major newspapers in the run-up to the Iraq war calls to mind William Hazlitt's famous appraisal of the Times of London.
Candidate Nader
Ralph Nader got a lot of things right when he appeared on NBC's Meet the Press and accused "Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush and their cohorts from Tallahassee to the Supr...
Novak’s No Patriot (or Journalist)
Journalists are understandably loath to call on a colleague to give up a source who's been promised anonymity, as the credibility of the entire profession can suffer from such...
And the Winner Is…. Schwarzenegger, Again
Thanks to the front-loaded primary process handcrafted by their party chairman, Terry McAuliffe, the millions of California's Democratic voters were reduced to ratifying an el...
Get This Party Started
Music for America (MfA), a nonprofit group working to get out the youth vote in the hope of unseating George W.
Letter From Paris
In the form of a law regarding the wearing of the Islamic hijab, women's bodies are a battlefield--again.
Books & the Arts
Blind Faith
From the moment when Mel Gibson began promoting The Passion of the Christ--was it only ten years ago?--he has insisted that his goal was to be true to the Gospel text.
The Pleasures of Crime
Despite their indifference to genre fiction, American publishers of literary novels have consistently made exceptions for homegrown crime writers.
The End of the Affair
It's been a while since Cuba, that caiman-shaped Caribbean isle, ceased to be a place on the map.
The Old Couple
Please tell me how the shoehorn manages to keep
Its shape the same for centuries. At dusk my ignorance
Slips away and hides its eggs in the woods.
The Wages of Fear
Lyndon Johnson launched the War on Poverty in his State of the Union Message exactly forty years ago.
Was Strom a Rapist?
Months after Strom Thurmond's African-American daughter, Essie Mae Washington-Williams, stepped into history, commentators continue to step around the most explosive aspect ...