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January 3, 2005 Issue
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A Challenge to Enviros
America's environmental movement has failed and should die as soon as possible so something better can take its place.
Flawed Intelligence Bill
The debate held before Congress voted to reorganize the nation's intelligence agencies under the authority of an all-powerful intelligence czar was generally portrayed as a si...
War Resisters Go North
Protests over the conduct of the Iraq war are mounting from what seems an unlikely place: the ranks of the military.
Prosecuting US Torture
Did anyone in the Bush White House cast an uneasy eye over the new indictment of Gen. Augusto Pinochet?
Stuff These Stockings (Please)
Another holiday season--and only a year after the last one. How did that happen?
Why They Hated Gary Webb
Few spectacles in journalism in the mid-1990s were more disgusting than the slagging of Gary Webb in the New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times...
Books & the Arts
Howard’s End
Martin Scorsese's The Aviator overlays three legends, all of them made of celluloid.
Versed in Adventure
Few modern poets served so long an apprenticeship as Basil Bunting, none had so adventurous a life and few poets' lives have produced such lasting rewards.
An Arab Surrealist
The Springs of Adonis (now also known as the River Ibrahim) run through the Byblos region of Lebanon down through steep gorges to the Mediterranean.
The Literary World System
What are you doing? I mean, right now. You're reading a book review.