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August 9, 1999 Issue
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Hillary–NY Progressive
Let's get beyond the psychobabble that so often passes for informed political analysis these days and take Hillary Rodham Clinton at her word.
Hillary’s No Liberal
"Run Hillary Run" buttons are in circulation among Democratic elites, the wealthy, well-meaning men and women who actually seem to enjoy writing four- or five-figure checks to...
Chile Declassified
On September 28, 1973, seventeen days after the bloody coup that brought Gen.
The Spy Who Wasn’t
Pat Buchanan calls Wen Ho Lee the epicenter of the most dangerous penetration of America's nuclear labs "since the Rosenbergs went to the electric chair in 1953." Senator Don ...
Books & the Arts
Ex-Prom Queen Goes Home
Thomas Wolfe wrote that you can't go home again. Alix Kates Shulman disagrees.
Hitler’s Viennese Waltz
"Austria had many geniuses, and that was probably its undoing."
--Robert Musil
Poetry’s Ball Turret Gunner
Has anyone read John Dennis? Irving Babbitt? Gorham Munson? Probably not, though they were considered important critics in their day.
Still Not Over Over There?
The estimates of the number of books written about World War I are in the hundreds of thousands.