Print Magazine
April 7, 2014 Issue
Cover art by: design by Robert Best
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How to Avert a New Cold War Over Crimea
Bellicose posturing could lead to disaster. The only way out is through diplomacy.

Plea Time for Snowden
A plea bargain, that is—it’s time to make a deal.

What Paul Ryan and Obama Have In Common
Paul Ryan’s racist comments have been the mainstream view of the Democratic Party for decades.

As Jordanian Women Leave the Home, Sexual Harassment Reaches Unprecedented Levels
Social media platforms are enabling women to speak out anonymously and show that harassment exists—but that hasn’t resulted in culture change.

Pensiongate? Christie Campaign Donors Won Huge Contracts
While trumpeting “pension reform,” the New Jersey governor placed retiree assets in the hands of hedge fund managers bankrolling his political career.