
US Double Standards US Double Standards

The effort by the Bush Administration and Congress to portray the planned invasion of Iraq as simply an effort to enforce United Nations Security Council resolutions reaches a ...

Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / Stephen Zunes

Welfare’s True Colors Welfare’s True Colors

With the 1996 welfare law expiring this fall, Congressmembers would do well to stop congratulating themselves on its alleged successes and turn their attention to the glaring f...

Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / Gary Delgado and Menachem Krajcer

Blood for Oil Blood for Oil

In May 2001, the White House issued a National Energy Policy report, known as the Cheney Report: the state of our national oil reserves. In 2000, half the oil we consumed was impor...

Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / Gore Vidal

The Dangerous Restaurant The Dangerous Restaurant

I was having dinner at a rather expensive restaurant the other night when a man I'd never met before threatened to kill me. He was a distinguished-looking fellow, dressed in a ...

Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / Wallace Shawn

In Fact… In Fact…


Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / The Editors

Going Down the Road Going Down the Road

Out in the countryside is where you'll find America's true leaders--the gutsy, scrappy, sometimes scruffy and always ingenious grassroots agitators and organizers who go right ...

Oct 10, 2002 / Editorial / Jim Hightower

Guns, No Butter Guns, No Butter

Democrats have rightly gone ballistic over the cynical White House efforts to use Iraq to change the subject of the fall elections.

Oct 3, 2002 / Editorial / The Editors

After Torricelli After Torricelli

Democrats in Washington and New Jersey sighed with relief when scandal-plagued Senator Robert Torricelli ended a doomed run for a second term.

Oct 3, 2002 / Editorial / John Nichols

Blair, the Go-Between Blair, the Go-Between

When Tony Blair rose to address a packed House of Commons on Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, Albert Finney had just won an Emmy for his performance as Winston Chu...

Oct 3, 2002 / Editorial / Maria Margaronis

Opening to Cuba Opening to Cuba

"I am here in the hope that we can do business," Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura told a Cuban audience after cutting the ceremonial ribbon with Fidel Castro to open the recent...

Oct 3, 2002 / Editorial / Peter Kornbluh
