Richard Silverstein

Richard Silverstein is a freelance journalist and regular contributor to Middle East Eye. He also writes the blog Tikun Olam, which exposes the excesses of the Israeli national-security state. He contributed chapters to the Independent Jewish Voices collection A Time to Speak Out and to Israel and Palestine: Alternatives to Statehood.

NSO Building Israel

How Israeli Tech Firms Act as Global Agents of Repression How Israeli Tech Firms Act as Global Agents of Repression

Two private intelligence companies hack political enemies in Africa, Europe, the Mideast, and the United States, for a price.

Jul 27, 2018 / Richard Silverstein

Israel-Palestine: Kerry’s Peace Talks Hit the Separation Wall

Israel-Palestine: Kerry’s Peace Talks Hit the Separation Wall Israel-Palestine: Kerry’s Peace Talks Hit the Separation Wall

Do the stalled talks herald the end of the two-state solution? If so, what comes next?

Apr 30, 2014 / Richard Silverstein and Foreign Policy In Focus

The Free Gaza Movement The Free Gaza Movement

A mission to Gaza motivated by human misery broke the Israeli siege and raised Nobel hopes for a group of dedicated activists.

Sep 18, 2008 / Feature / Richard Silverstein
