Do as I Say, Not as I Do Do as I Say, Not as I Do
The comforting lessons in good will and friendship Apple, Netflix, and Disney flaunt are benign distractions that deflect attention from their two-fisted business behavior.
Jan 8, 2024 / Peter Biskind

Jon Snow Would Vote Against Brexit Jon Snow Would Vote Against Brexit
As in Game of Thrones, Brexit’s villains are extremists fixated on short-term personal gain at the expense of everyone else.
Apr 26, 2019 / Peter Biskind

How Pop Culture Primed Us for ‘Alternative Facts’ How Pop Culture Primed Us for ‘Alternative Facts’
When movies, TV shows, and video games deride science, facts, and reason, the harm to our political culture can be profound.
Jan 29, 2019 / Peter Biskind
Third Annual Hollywood Issue Third Annual Hollywood Issue
THIS IS THE THIRD of what now threatens to become The Nation's annual Hollywood issue. Following in the footsteps of the catholic Mr. Soderbergh, whose Y2K output ran the gamut fr...
Mar 15, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Peter Biskind
American Beauty or American Pie? American Beauty or American Pie?
*Last year, I was the guest editor of The Nation's first issue devoted exclusively to Hollywood and politics.
Mar 16, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Peter Biskind
Inside Indiewood Inside Indiewood
The Nation asked seven prominent members of the independent film community, including several filmmakers who released major films this year, to take the temperature of the movem
Mar 16, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Peter Biskind
When Worlds Collide When Worlds Collide
When those in my modest circle of acquaintances learned that I was editing a Hollywood issue of The Nation, they found it either risible or irritating.
Mar 18, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Peter Biskind
On Movies, Money & Politics On Movies, Money & Politics
The Nation asked six politically active members of the entertainment community to comment on recent developments in the realms of politics and popular culture.
Mar 18, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Peter Biskind