Michele Bachmann’s Anti-Vaccination Rhetoric Is Not Only Bad Science—It’s Bad History Michele Bachmann’s Anti-Vaccination Rhetoric Is Not Only Bad Science—It’s Bad History
Memo to Michele Bachmann: the founding fathers were inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment and the power of science to improve human life.
Sep 20, 2011 / Lindsay Beyerstein
Giffords Shooting Reveals Flaws in US Mental Health Services Giffords Shooting Reveals Flaws in US Mental Health Services
Congresswoman shot in Arizona, the Republican-led charade to have "Obamacare" repealed and an update on reproductive rights in the United States.
Jan 12, 2011 / Lindsay Beyerstein

What Do GOP Gains Mean for Healthcare? Abortion Rights? What Do GOP Gains Mean for Healthcare? Abortion Rights?
The most significant threats may come from the state level: Republicans picked up several governorships, and the Affordable Care Act requires the cooperation of states to set up...
Nov 3, 2010 / Lindsay Beyerstein
House Passes Healthcare Reform House Passes Healthcare Reform
Last night, the House of Representatives passed comprehensive healthcare reform. The sweeping legislation will extend coverage to 32 million Americans, curb the worst abuses of the...
Mar 22, 2010 / Lindsay Beyerstein
On Healthcare, Pelosi Makes Her Move On Healthcare, Pelosi Makes Her Move
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has laid out a strategy to pass healthcare reform in the next couple of days. As usual, progressives are fretting that winning will make them look bad, while c...
Mar 17, 2010 / Lindsay Beyerstein
Massa Backs Off Healthcare Conspiracy Massa Backs Off Healthcare Conspiracy
The latest moves on healthcare reform from Kucinich, Massa and Stupak.
Mar 10, 2010 / Lindsay Beyerstein
Obama to Push Health Plan at Summit Obama to Push Health Plan at Summit
Obama is billing the summit as a last-ditch attempt to solicit Republican ideas for healthcare reform.
Feb 24, 2010 / Lindsay Beyerstein
Obama Stalls for Time With Healthcare Summit Obama Stalls for Time With Healthcare Summit
Obama's healthcare summit is a delay tactic--it's what happens after, when someone steps up to steer the bill, that counts.
Feb 10, 2010 / Feature / Lindsay Beyerstein
What Coakley’s Defeat Means for Healthcare Reform What Coakley’s Defeat Means for Healthcare Reform
Healthcare is in jeopardy, but it's not dead--especially if Democrats drag their feet on swearing in Brown.
Jan 20, 2010 / Feature / Lindsay Beyerstein
What’s Next for Healthcare Reform? What’s Next for Healthcare Reform?
Despite the Senate compromises, there's still a lot to like in the healthcare reform bill. But will it survive reconciliation?
Dec 30, 2009 / Feature / Lindsay Beyerstein