Lobbyists Rally to Ensure Brokers Can Scam Your 401(k) Lobbyists Rally to Ensure Brokers Can Scam Your 401(k)
Lobbyists for the broker-dealer industry are lobbying to ensure they do not have to have your best financial interests in mind when advising you on your 401(k).
Jul 15, 2013 / Lee Fang
US Retailers Launch Lobby Blitz to Sell Weak Bangladesh Safety Plan US Retailers Launch Lobby Blitz to Sell Weak Bangladesh Safety Plan
While touting their “indpendence” in facilitating a rival safety plan for Bangladesh factories, Senator George Mitchell’s law firm is paid by The Gap, a major ret...
Jul 10, 2013 / Lee Fang

Think Tank Releasing Rival Bangladesh Safety Accord Receives Funds From Walmart and Its Lobbyists Think Tank Releasing Rival Bangladesh Safety Accord Receives Funds From Walmart and Its Lobbyists
The think tank presenting a rival safety plan for Bangladesh garment factories maintains close financial ties to Walmart and other US-based retailers that have refused to adhere to...
Jul 9, 2013 / Lee Fang

Lobbyists Lavish North Carolina’s Far-Right Politicians With Beer, Expensive Parties Lobbyists Lavish North Carolina’s Far-Right Politicians With Beer, Expensive Parties
A review of state records show that corporate lobbyists are throwing big parties for North Carolina’s Big Business–friendly politicians.
Jul 8, 2013 / Lee Fang
Six Months After Leaving Office, Most US Senators Already Land Corporate Boards or Lobby Gigs Six Months After Leaving Office, Most US Senators Already Land Corporate Boards or Lobby Gigs
The revolving door swings quickly for the US Senate: over half of the last retiring class have already joined a corporate board or taken a K Street–related job.
Jun 26, 2013 / Lee Fang
‘Meet the Press’ Pundit With Financial Ties to NSA Misleadingly Slams Snowden ‘Meet the Press’ Pundit With Financial Ties to NSA Misleadingly Slams Snowden
On Meet the Press, ‘Republican strategist’ Mike Murphy attacked Edward Snowden’s decision to seek aslyum, yet failed to disclose his own financial ties to the surveillance industry...
Jun 24, 2013 / Lee Fang

Health Insurance Lobby Gears Up to Defeat Effort to Strengthen Obamacare in California Health Insurance Lobby Gears Up to Defeat Effort to Strengthen Obamacare in California
Health insurance companies have already raised millions to defeat a measure in 2014 to block unjustified rate hikes.
Jun 17, 2013 / Lee Fang

How Spy Agency Contractors Have Already Abused Their Power How Spy Agency Contractors Have Already Abused Their Power
Could intelligence-gathering private contractors abuse their power? A scandal from 2011 shows contractors willing to snoop on activists and journalists for cash.
Jun 11, 2013 / Lee Fang

Demonstrations Test Turkey’s Lobbying Clout In Washington Demonstrations Test Turkey’s Lobbying Clout In Washington
Turkey's government has spent big bucks on DC lobbying firms and on travel junkets for politicians.
Jun 5, 2013 / Lee Fang

Revealed: Letters From Republicans Seeking Obamacare Money Revealed: Letters From Republicans Seeking Obamacare Money
It’s the height of hypocrisy: They call for repeal of the law but plead for its dollars on behalf of constituents.
Jun 5, 2013 / Lee Fang