Lee Fang

Contributing Writer


Lee Fang is a reporting fellow with The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute. He covers money in politics, conservative movements and lobbying. Lee’s work has resulted in multiple calls for hearings in Congress and the Federal Election Commission. He is author of The Machine: A Field Guide to the Resurgent Right, a recently published book on how the right-wing political infrastructure was rebuilt after President Obama's 2008 election. More on the book can be found at www.themachinebook.com.

Evan Bayh Uses the Government Shutdown to Shill for the Medical Device Lobby

Evan Bayh Uses the Government Shutdown to Shill for the Medical Device Lobby Evan Bayh Uses the Government Shutdown to Shill for the Medical Device Lobby

Former Senator Bayh appeared on Fox News this morning to call for a repeal of the medical-device tax without disclosing his ties to the industry. 

Oct 13, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

Leading ‘Clean CR’ House Republican Explains His Limitations: Party Loyalty

Leading ‘Clean CR’ House Republican Explains His Limitations: Party Loyalty Leading ‘Clean CR’ House Republican Explains His Limitations: Party Loyalty

Congressman Peter King has talked tough about re-opening the government, but hasn’t been able to deliver.

Oct 10, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

GOP Lobbyist: Business Needs to ‘Step Up’ Against the Tea Party

GOP Lobbyist: Business Needs to ‘Step Up’ Against the Tea Party GOP Lobbyist: Business Needs to ‘Step Up’ Against the Tea Party

A corporate lobbyist says his party should “nominate Republicans who have a belief in the Constitution as it’s supposed to work out.”

Oct 9, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

Meet the Evangelical Cabal Orchestrating the Shutdown

Meet the Evangelical Cabal Orchestrating the Shutdown Meet the Evangelical Cabal Orchestrating the Shutdown

The Conservative Action Project, the organization orchestrating the shutdown strategy, is run by a cabal of evangelical and radical-right leaders. 

Oct 8, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

The Hidden Danger in the Supreme Court’s ‘McCutcheon’ Case

The Hidden Danger in the Supreme Court’s ‘McCutcheon’ Case The Hidden Danger in the Supreme Court’s ‘McCutcheon’ Case

A Supreme Court case about campaign contribution limits could also deal a blow to other good government laws.

Oct 7, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

Congressman Agrees With Caller: Fighting Obamacare Is Like Fighting Slavery

Congressman Agrees With Caller: Fighting Obamacare Is Like Fighting Slavery Congressman Agrees With Caller: Fighting Obamacare Is Like Fighting Slavery

Congressman John Fleming agreed with a caller to a radio program that fighting Obamacare is like fighting slavery. 

Oct 2, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

Tea Party Lawmaker Letter on Med Device Tax Repeal Authored by Lobby Group

Tea Party Lawmaker Letter on Med Device Tax Repeal Authored by Lobby Group Tea Party Lawmaker Letter on Med Device Tax Repeal Authored by Lobby Group

A letter signed by over seventy right-wing lawmakers was authored by a medical device tax industry group, metadata shows.

Sep 28, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

GOP Debt-Ceiling Bill Violates Boehner’s ‘Pledge to America’

GOP Debt-Ceiling Bill Violates Boehner’s ‘Pledge to America’ GOP Debt-Ceiling Bill Violates Boehner’s ‘Pledge to America’

The House Republican plan to hold the debt ceiling hostage in exchange for over twenty corporate giveaways violates their ethics pledge, which calls for advancing major legislation...

Sep 27, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

Palin Adviser Used Dark Money Group to Fund ‘Mystery’ Attack Ads

Palin Adviser Used Dark Money Group to Fund ‘Mystery’ Attack Ads Palin Adviser Used Dark Money Group to Fund ‘Mystery’ Attack Ads

Sarah Palin’s main political adviser used a dark-money group to finance undisclosed campaign ads last year, new documents show. 

Sep 26, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

Sabotaging Obamacare Is a Lucrative Endeavor for Some

Sabotaging Obamacare Is a Lucrative Endeavor for Some Sabotaging Obamacare Is a Lucrative Endeavor for Some

Campaign consultants and health insurance agents stand to gain from sabatoging the rollout of health reform. 

Sep 25, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang
