Kate Wagner

Architecture Critic


Kate Wagner is The Nation’s architecture critic and a journalist based in Chicago and Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Screenshot of CGI image in proposal titled “From Crisis to Prosperity.”

The Awful Plan to Turn Gaza Into the Next Dubai The Awful Plan to Turn Gaza Into the Next Dubai

The Netanyahu administration seems to have learned from neighboring petrostates that spectacle can distract from ethnic cleansing.

Jul 9, 2024 / Column / Kate Wagner

Louis Vuitton’s branding opportunity in Paris.

Luxury Brands Are Buying Our Cities Luxury Brands Are Buying Our Cities

Conglomerates like LVMH are gobbling up whole neighborhoods to advance their own interests.

May 28, 2024 / Column / Kate Wagner

Capitalist Rot Has Spread to American Kitchens

Capitalist Rot Has Spread to American Kitchens Capitalist Rot Has Spread to American Kitchens

We’ve privileged constant renovation over resilience, and it’s damaged the aesthetics and functionality of domestic architecture.

Apr 16, 2024 / Razing Hell / Kate Wagner

What Happened to the 21st-Century City?

What Happened to the 21st-Century City? What Happened to the 21st-Century City?

And how we can save it.

Mar 12, 2024 / Books & the Arts / Kate Wagner

Urban Surveillance Is More Menacing Than Ever

Urban Surveillance Is More Menacing Than Ever Urban Surveillance Is More Menacing Than Ever

Cameras aren’t just monitoring us in public—now they’re actually yelling at us.

Feb 16, 2024 / Column / Kate Wagner

Left: Gaza City’s Omari Mosque after Israeli bombardment. Right: A Palestinian man reading in the courtyard of the same mosque last spring.

What Israel’s Destruction of the Great Omari Mosque Means What Israel’s Destruction of the Great Omari Mosque Means

Yes, it’s a crime against cultural heritage. But more importantly, it’s part of a campaign of total annihilation.

Jan 24, 2024 / Mic Drop / Kate Wagner

The Medieval-ness of Mark Zuckerberg

The Medieval-ness of Mark Zuckerberg The Medieval-ness of Mark Zuckerberg

There’s something very feudal about his massive doomsday bunker.

Dec 22, 2023 / Kate Wagner

A boy searches through buildings, destroyed during Israeli air raids in the southern Gaza Strip on November 10, 2023, in Khan Yunis, Gaza.

Architects Must Refuse to Profit From the Ruins of Palestine Architects Must Refuse to Profit From the Ruins of Palestine

Gaza is a site of human tragedy, not a prize of war.

Nov 14, 2023 / Mic Drop / Kate Wagner

In Defense of Homeownership

In Defense of Homeownership In Defense of Homeownership

It’s been blamed for everything from NIMBYism to urban sprawl. So why do I still want in?

Oct 18, 2023 / Mic Drop / Kate Wagner

A person pushes a barricade floating on a flooded street amid a coastal storm on September 29, 2023, in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn, N.Y..

What Good Is Architecture on a Drowning Planet? What Good Is Architecture on a Drowning Planet?

We need political solutions to climate emergencies, not design solutions.

Oct 6, 2023 / Kate Wagner
