John Feffer

John Feffer is the author of the dystopian novel Splinterlands (a Dispatch Books original); its final volume, Songlands, was published in 2021. He is  the director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies. He is a TomDispatch regular.

The European Union May Be on the Verge of Collapse

The European Union May Be on the Verge of Collapse The European Union May Be on the Verge of Collapse

The complex federal project of the EU has proven fragile in the absence of a strong external threat.

Jan 27, 2015 / John Feffer

The Life and Times of Michael B

The Life and Times of Michael B The Life and Times of Michael B

Ferguson has put America’s racial apartheid on the global stage.

Dec 9, 2014 / John Feffer and Foreign Policy In Focus

What the Twin Plagues of ISIS and Ebola Have in Common

What the Twin Plagues of ISIS and Ebola Have in Common What the Twin Plagues of ISIS and Ebola Have in Common

Both thrive on the breakdown of the existing social order.

Aug 28, 2014 / John Feffer and Foreign Policy In Focus

Piketty in Elysium

Piketty in Elysium Piketty in Elysium

If inequality sells in bookstores and box offices, it will sell at the polls as well.

May 23, 2014 / John Feffer and Foreign Policy In Focus

America’s Homegrown Terror Threat—and Why We’re Doing Nothing to Fight It

America’s Homegrown Terror Threat—and Why We’re Doing Nothing to Fight It America’s Homegrown Terror Threat—and Why We’re Doing Nothing to Fight It

Plagued by poor infrastructure, climate denialism, unregulated fracking wells and nuclear waste sites, the United States is poised to topple itself with self-inflicted wounds.

Apr 8, 2014 / Emanuel Pastreich, John Feffer, and Foreign Policy In Focus

Ukraine: The Clash of Partnerships

Ukraine: The Clash of Partnerships Ukraine: The Clash of Partnerships

Even as we condemn the introduction of Russian troops in Crimea, we have to remember that the Cold War is over—and both sides must act that way.

Mar 5, 2014 / John Feffer and Foreign Policy In Focus

John Feffer: The Failed Pacific Pivot

John Feffer: The Failed Pacific Pivot John Feffer: The Failed Pacific Pivot

The Obama administration's strategic rebalance is really just a retreat. 

Jan 28, 2014 / John Feffer

Iraq: Revisiting the Pottery Barn Rule

Iraq: Revisiting the Pottery Barn Rule Iraq: Revisiting the Pottery Barn Rule

The United States broke a nation of human beings. It owes them an apology—and restitution.

Jan 27, 2014 / John Feffer and Foreign Policy In Focus

Dumb and Dumber Dumb and Dumber

Obama’s “Smart Power’ foreign policy not smart at all.

Sep 6, 2012 / John Feffer

The Right Wing’s Election-Year Islamophobia The Right Wing’s Election-Year Islamophobia

How some Republican are transforming a conspiracy theory into a policy position.

Mar 29, 2012 / John Feffer
