Why We Fight Why We Fight
The twin headlines on the front page of the Washington Post today, "Gonzales Defends Surveillance," and "Bush's Budget Bolsters Pentagon," made me think of Euge...
Feb 7, 2006 / Ari Berman
Boehner’s Broken Promises Boehner’s Broken Promises
In his victory over Roy Blunt to replace Tom DeLay as House Majority Leader, John Boehner ran as the reformer. This weekend he hit the Sunday talk shows to explain just which refor...
Feb 6, 2006 / Ari Berman
Your New House Majority Leader Your New House Majority Leader
Rep. John Boehner, the Congressman of K Street, Sallie Mae, big tobacco and Jack Abramoff. In other words, a fitting heir to Tom DeLay.
Feb 2, 2006 / Ari Berman
Can Justice Be Trusted? Can Justice Be Trusted?
The Justice Department meddled in a case against Jack Abramoff in Guam in 2002; last week, Bush nominated the current Abramoff prosecutor to the federal bench. Can the DOJ credibly...
Feb 2, 2006 / Feature / Ari Berman
Buckley Hearts Osama Buckley Hearts Osama
From the first item of National Review's "The Week" section, 2/13/06: In Osama's latest tape, he touts an obscure left-wing American book and borrows lines from ...
Feb 2, 2006 / Ari Berman
Pro-Life Field Trip Pro-Life Field Trip
There is currently a huge overturn-Roe v. Wade march outside my office on Capitol Hill, culminating at the Supreme Court. What's shocking is not the to-be-expected thousands of dem...
Jan 23, 2006 / Ari Berman
Where’s Steny? Where’s Steny?
Notably absent from the Democrats much heralded unveiling of their new ethics and lobbying reform plan this week was Steny Hoyer, the number two House Democrat. Maybe that's becaus...
Jan 20, 2006 / Ari Berman
Ethics-Go-Round Ethics-Go-Round
The House Ethics Committee has been defunct for a year: If now is not the time for both parties to get serious on Congressional ethics, when will it be?
Jan 19, 2006 / Ari Berman
Everyone’s a Reformer Everyone’s a Reformer
For a long time on Capitol Hill, no one was interested in lobbying reform. Now everybody wants to get in on the act.
Jan 13, 2006 / Feature / Ari Berman
The Ney Scandal Grows The Ney Scandal Grows
As Justice Department investigators follow the cash flow from lobbyist Jack Abramoff's influence-peddling scandal, the evidence mounts against Ohio Republican Congressman Bob Ney. ...
Dec 15, 2005 / Ari Berman