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The Sultan’s Brother Does a Service to Humanity

The brother of the Sultan of Brunei Set out to see how much a guy could buy, And fifteen billion's what he finally spent Before the sultan voiced some discontent. The guilt of many shoppers was assuaged. The most committed shopaholic gauged, "I'd really have to spend a lot more dough To be a spendthrift like the sultan's bro."

Calvin Trillin

August 23, 2001

The brother of the Sultan of Brunei Set out to see how much a guy could buy, And fifteen billion’s what he finally spent Before the sultan voiced some discontent. The guilt of many shoppers was assuaged. The most committed shopaholic gauged, “I’d really have to spend a lot more dough To be a spendthrift like the sultan’s bro.”

Calvin TrillinCalvin Trillin is The Nation’s “deadline poet.”

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