Climate Justice

Saudi Arabia’s September 11 Connection and the Contradictions of American Foreign Policy

How the state that aided terrorism on US soil has become an indispensable ally that the Biden administration is determined to placate at all costs.

Jeet Heer

Surfers Are Fighting to Save the Waves—and the Planet

By the end of the century, the world could lose almost half of its sandy beaches. But a movement of surfers across Latin America is working to protect the coastal-marine environment.

Ilana Cohen

News Deserts Are Obscuring the Breadth of Climate Disasters

Bootstrapped publications like mine do their best to keep the news alive in communities now struggling just to survive.

Jane Braxton Little

Covering Climate Now

A man holds a placard reading

It’s the 2024 Election Season. Where’s the Climate Story?

Despite the threats to all of humanity, news outlets around the world are largely sidelining the climate conversation

Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope
An Extinction Rebellion activist participates in an action to block traffic to the Port of Rotterdamn.

Extinction Rebellion Wants to Reclaim the Port of Rotterdam

The climate activists are putting pressure on Dutch officials to reduce emissions at Europe’s most polluting port.

Anna Hiatt
Christiana Figueres poses for a photo after an interview with the Associated Press prior to a news conference of

“No One Wins on a Dead Planet”: A Former UN Climate Chief Loses Faith in Fossil Fuel Companies

At COP28, Christiana Figueres, the architect of the Paris climate agreement, said people must balance outrage and optimism.

Ajit Niranjan

Covering Climate Now

Climate Change Archive
