Free Teaching Guide
March 19, 2007
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Justice and Peace in Darfur
The International Criminal Court has taken a crucial step in naming two perpetrators of the violence in Darfur. But for survivors and victims of the ongoing catastrophe, much more must be done.
Salih Mahmoud Osman
Katrina, Eighteen Months Later
Look at the devastated Gulf Coast, and it seems like only yesterday that the storm hit. Here’s what Washington can do to speed a criminally slow recovery.
Chris Kromm and Sue Sturgis
K Street’s Favorite Democrat
When Max Baucus, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, is every lobbyist’s best friend, is economic reform possible?
Ari Berman
The Wars of Sudan
Any solution to the slaughter in Darfur will need to address Sudan’s crumbling North-South peace agreement.
Alex de Waal
Who Will Get the Oil?
War and corruption have decimated Iraq’s oil supply, and Western companies are angling for a cut of what’s left.
Christian Parenti
TNR’s New Owners
No matter what you think of The New Republic‘s politics, the public sphere will suffer if the magazine becomes homogenized by its new corporate owner.
Clint Hendler
‘There Is No Law’
It’s now up to the Supreme Court or the Democratic Congress to overturn the Military Commissions Act and restore our right to habeas corpus.
David Cole
When’s the Idea Primary?
This should be a time for vision and bold ideas, yet caution is the order of the day–and activist voters are demanding more.
Robert L. Borosage
Rushed Primaries
Instead of front-loading political races with early primaries, we need a rotating calendar of regional primaries.
The Editors
Edwards Gets a Boost
Thank you, Ann Coulter, for reviving the principled but media-neglected presidential candidacy of John Edwards.
Robert Scheer
Cheney’s Henchman Gets His
Why should the Vice President have a national security adviser to begin with?
Nicholas von Hoffman
Subprime Mortgage Blues
As the housing market flattens, the poor pay the price for the greed and stupidity of the real estate and banking bigwigs.
Nicholas von Hoffman
The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian
A Palestinian professor caught in the US legal system needs all the support we can muster, as respect for constitutional freedoms sinks ever lower.
Alexander Cockburn
Books & the Arts
The Anatomy of Fear
In his memoir Wish I Could Be There, Allen Shawn movingly details a life crippled by phobias.
D.T. Max
The Children’s Museum
It’s hard to know whether today or yesterday was the full moon;
excitement isn’t rigorous. It’s just river-silveringAnge Mlinko
The Things They Carried
The Bastard of Istanbul, a saga of two interwoven families, bravely violates Turkish taboo with its description of the Armenian genocide.
Maria Margaronis
Human, All Too Human
Current literature on genocide indicates that the horror unfolding in Darfur is only the newest example of a terrifying societal tendency.
Adam LeBor
TNR’s New Owners
No matter what you think of The New Republic‘s politics, the public sphere will suffer if the magazine becomes homogenized by its new corporate owner.
Clint Hendler
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