War and Peace

Zero and Infinity Zero and Infinity

Americans have become so sedated, obsessed and afraid, we are numb to the murders committed in our name.

Jan 11, 2007 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Iraqi Civilians Brace for a Surge Iraqi Civilians Brace for a Surge

Sunni civilians have reason to fear more fighting, not only from a potential surge of US troops but also Kurdish militias mobilized by the Iraqi government.

Jan 10, 2007 / Feature / David Enders

An Army at Peril An Army at Peril

The surge is Bush's last throw of the dice. If it fails, he may decimate an exhausted Army and leave the nation without reserves.

Jan 10, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Ominous Signs of a Wider War Ominous Signs of a Wider War

The naming of Adm. William Fallon to replace Gen. John Abizaid as head of Centcom is an ominous sign that Bush is preparing for a wider war.

Jan 10, 2007 / Feature / Michael T. Klare

Tax the Rich, End the War Tax the Rich, End the War

Congress should levy a Victory Over Terror tax on the superrich which would expire once our troops are safely home.

Jan 9, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Bush’s Theater of the Absurd Bush’s Theater of the Absurd

Bush is the insolent star of an absurd spectacle, seeking to escalate a failed war that Congress and the people oppose.

Jan 9, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer

The Democrats’ First Test The Democrats’ First Test

Do the Dems have the vision to force Bush to pull back on Iraq and rebuild the economy?

Jan 7, 2007 / The Editors

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Resolutions for liberals.

Jan 4, 2007 / Column / Katha Pollitt

An Act of Barbarism An Act of Barbarism

Someone has to say it: The hanging of Saddam Hussein was an act of barbarism that mocks all of Bush's posturing on Iraq.

Jan 3, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer

The Urge to Surge The Urge to Surge

Democrats in Congress must remember that their midterm victory was a clear mandate to reverse Bush's war policy.

Dec 28, 2006 / The Editors
