Labor Organizing

Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Governor Walker’s Anti-Union Bill Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Governor Walker’s Anti-Union Bill

It's official—the high court of Wisconsin has re-instated Scott Walker's union-busting "Budget Repair Bill" as the law of the land. 

Jun 15, 2011 / Nation in the News / Press Room

Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Governor Walker’s Anti-Union Bill Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Governor Walker’s Anti-Union Bill

It's official—the high court of Wisconsin has re-instated Scott Walker's union-busting "Budget Repair Bill" as the law of the land. 

Jun 15, 2011 / Video / The Ed Show

AFL-CIO’s Rich Trumka on the Post-Wisconsin Game Plan

AFL-CIO’s Rich Trumka on the Post-Wisconsin Game Plan AFL-CIO’s Rich Trumka on the Post-Wisconsin Game Plan

The AFL-CIO president, inspired by developments in Wisconsin and other states fighting battles over labor rights and cuts in public services, wants to change the way labor pra...

May 20, 2011 / Blog / John Nichols

Keep Your Hands Off My Medicare! Keep Your Hands Off My Medicare!

As Republicans pursue one of the most unpopular programs in recent memory, progressives have an opportunity to reset the terms of the debate.

May 3, 2011 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Massive May Day Protests Planned to Campaign for Workers’ Rights

Massive May Day Protests Planned to Campaign for Workers’ Rights Massive May Day Protests Planned to Campaign for Workers’ Rights

This weekend, labor and immigrant rights’ advocates will join forces to combat the anti-union legislation sweeping the country.

Apr 29, 2011 / The Notion / Allison Kilkenny

Workers Fight Back Against More Than 700 Anti-Union Bills Workers Fight Back Against More Than 700 Anti-Union Bills

Nationwide, workers are pushing back against hundreds of anti-union bills and widespread budget cuts.

Apr 5, 2011 / The Notion / Allison Kilkenny

Learning What Unions Have to Teach Learning What Unions Have to Teach

In a lot of the talk about attacks on labor, the focus has been on electoral politics and cash. But doing away with unions does away with one of the only forms of popular e...

Mar 23, 2011 / The Notion / Laura Flanders

We Are All Wisconsinites Now

We Are All Wisconsinites Now We Are All Wisconsinites Now

How can the pro-worker movement born in the streets of Madison be nurtured into a national force?

Mar 17, 2011 / Editorial / The Editors

Susan Sarandon in Wisconsin: The Whole Nation Has a Stake in This Fight Susan Sarandon in Wisconsin: The Whole Nation Has a Stake in This Fight

Actress Susan Sarandon joined protesters at the Wisconsin Capitol to speak out against Governor Walker and his anti-worker bill.

Mar 14, 2011 / Video / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Should Wisconsin Recall Governor Walker? Should Wisconsin Recall Governor Walker?

The Wisconsin governor's actions throughout the past three weeks have angered the public to the point that many are now pushing for recalling the state's Republican legislators.

Mar 11, 2011 / Nation in the News / Press Room
