
Visualizing the Future

Visualizing the Future Visualizing the Future

We aren’t saving the planet. The planet is saving us.

Jul 12, 2024 / OppArt / Peter Kuper

Bruce, after arriving in the middle of the night, waits to enter a Remote Area Medical (RAM) mobile dental and medical clinic on October 7, 2023, in Grundy, Virginia.

It’s Not Too Late for Democrats to Win Back Rural Voters It’s Not Too Late for Democrats to Win Back Rural Voters

Putting together a Democratic majority in 2024 requires winning back some portion of the rural working class. The good news is that it can be done. Here’s how.

May 17, 2024 / Column / Erica Etelson and Anthony Flaccavento

When Will We Hit the Climate Tipping Point?

When Will We Hit the Climate Tipping Point? When Will We Hit the Climate Tipping Point?

You don’t need a weatherman to know...

Apr 19, 2024 / Peter Kuper

Oil pumpjacks

Big Oil Is Greenwashing the Planet Big Oil Is Greenwashing the Planet

The hosting of the recent COP28 climate summit by the United Arab Emirates is just one instance.

Dec 26, 2023 / Juan Cole

liquified natural gas ship climate crisis louisiana

The Single Most Dangerous Expansion of Fossil Fuel in the World The Single Most Dangerous Expansion of Fossil Fuel in the World

America’s growing exports of liquefied natural gas pose a grave climate danger.

Nov 15, 2023 / Bill McKibben

Paradise, California wildfire

This Groundbreaking California Court Case Is Taking on Big Oil This Groundbreaking California Court Case Is Taking on Big Oil

In an overheating world, the denialism of Big Oil and its henchmen, including most of the Republican Party, is a crime of the first order.

Oct 17, 2023 / Juan Cole

Held v. Montana Youth Climate Change Lawsuit

“Held v. Montana” Is a Historic Victory for Climate Action—but Also Human Rights “Held v. Montana” Is a Historic Victory for Climate Action—but Also Human Rights

Invoking the right to a healthy environment will likely become a replicable strategy for climate lawsuits across the country. “I see more and more of these trials happening.”

Aug 16, 2023 / StudentNation / Meher Bhatia

Die Off

Die Off Die Off

Fished out.

Jul 14, 2023 / OppArt / Zoe Matthiessen

An oil pumpjack works in the Permian Basin oil field

The Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Want This Climate Charter to Succeed The Fossil Fuel Industry Doesn’t Want This Climate Charter to Succeed

El Paso is holding a special election on Saturday for one of the most important pieces of climate policy you’ve likely never heard of.

May 5, 2023 / Matthew Miles Goodrich

The Doomsday Clock Has Never Been So Close to Midnight

The Doomsday Clock Has Never Been So Close to Midnight The Doomsday Clock Has Never Been So Close to Midnight

What's on the other side?

Apr 12, 2023 / Frida Berrigan
