
How Voter Backlash Against Voter Suppression Is Changing Our Politics

How Voter Backlash Against Voter Suppression Is Changing Our Politics How Voter Backlash Against Voter Suppression Is Changing Our Politics

A new study highlights the vital role high African-American turnout played in 2012. Activists say voters were “outraged and energized” over threats to voting rights. Bo...

Apr 29, 2013 / Blog / John Nichols

Why Conservatives Think the Ends Justify the Means

Why Conservatives Think the Ends Justify the Means Why Conservatives Think the Ends Justify the Means

Who needs a majority—or democracy—when you just know that your cause is the most righteous?

Apr 8, 2013 / Blog / Rick Perlstein

Scott Walker’s ‘Unintimidated’ Grab for Presidential Consideration

Scott Walker’s ‘Unintimidated’ Grab for Presidential Consideration Scott Walker’s ‘Unintimidated’ Grab for Presidential Consideration

Walker's planned memoir, identified as a "call to action" for conservatives, is widely seen as an opening gambit in his play for the 2016 Republican preside...

Mar 26, 2013 / Blog / John Nichols

Why a Democratic Majority Is Not Demographic Inevitability (Part Two: The Politics of Immigration Reform)

Why a Democratic Majority Is Not Demographic Inevitability (Part Two: The Politics of Immigration Reform) Why a Democratic Majority Is Not Demographic Inevitability (Part Two: The Politics of Immigration Reform)

Just because the Hispanic population is growing doesn't necessarily mean Democrats will harvest their votes forever—for what if they become “white”?

Mar 20, 2013 / Blog / Rick Perlstein

‘Organizing for Action’ or ‘Charging for Access’?

‘Organizing for Action’ or ‘Charging for Access’? ‘Organizing for Action’ or ‘Charging for Access’?

Barack Obama’s group to mobilize grassroots support planned to rely on large donations. Is it possible to change a broken system from within?

Mar 7, 2013 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Voters Rejected Romney’s Policies, Now the GOP Needs to Get a Clue

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Voters Rejected Romney’s Policies, Now the GOP Needs to Get a Clue Katrina vanden Heuvel: Voters Rejected Romney’s Policies, Now the GOP Needs to Get a Clue

Mitt Romney blames bad messaging, but the reality is his proposals were out of touch, especially with minorities.

Mar 5, 2013 / Nation in the News / Press Room

Virginia Legislators Approve Voter ID Law, May Kill Chances for Federal Bailout Virginia Legislators Approve Voter ID Law, May Kill Chances for Federal Bailout

Will Virginia be the latest case for proving why the Voting Rights Act is still needed?

Feb 22, 2013 / Voting Rights Watch / Voting Rights Watch

The Austerity Agenda: An Electoral Loser

The Austerity Agenda: An Electoral Loser The Austerity Agenda: An Electoral Loser

Candidates who ran on slashing Medicare and Social Security lost big in November. But that doesn’t stop Pete Peterson from pushing the fantasy that voters’ biggest conc...

Feb 20, 2013 / Feature / John Nichols

Gun-Violence Focused House Race Tests the NRA’s Political Toxicity

Gun-Violence Focused House Race Tests the NRA’s Political Toxicity Gun-Violence Focused House Race Tests the NRA’s Political Toxicity

A primary election for a vacant House seat in Illinois tests whether a Democrat with NRA ties can be a contender.

Feb 18, 2013 / Blog / John Nichols

What Labor Can Learn From the Obama Campaign

What Labor Can Learn From the Obama Campaign What Labor Can Learn From the Obama Campaign

It’s time to harness data.

Feb 14, 2013 / Feature / Suresh Naidu and Dorian T. Warren
