
Binders Full of Distortion Binders Full of Distortion

His debate story about using "binders full of women" to fill government posts got Romney a lot of attention. But it wasn't true.

Oct 17, 2012 / John Nichols

Romney’s False Claims of Bipartisanship in Massachusetts Romney’s False Claims of Bipartisanship in Massachusetts

In both debates, Romney has said he worked with Democrats as governor and would do so as president. His record suggests otherwise.

Oct 17, 2012 / Ben Adler

Progressives and the Election: A Panel Conversation Progressives and the Election: A Panel Conversation

How can progressives balance support for the Democrats with the need to mobilize grassroots support for social and economic causes?

Oct 17, 2012 / The Nation

Is True the Vote Shaking Down States With Nuisance Lawsuits? Is True the Vote Shaking Down States With Nuisance Lawsuits?

The battered group’s poll watching “army” is on the retreat, but is it now trying to cash in through harassing state election officials?

Oct 17, 2012 / Brentin Mock and Voting Rights Watch

Another Loss for Voter Suppression: Pre-Election Early Voting Upheld in Ohio Another Loss for Voter Suppression: Pre-Election Early Voting Upheld in Ohio

The bad news? Ohio’s Secretary of State swiftly limited early voting hours.

Oct 17, 2012 / Ari Berman

What Does Mitt Romney Really Want for Women? What Does Mitt Romney Really Want for Women?

Add contraception and pay equity to the list of issues Romney keeps waffling on. 

Oct 17, 2012 / Bryce Covert

Romney’s Seven Biggest Debate Lies Romney’s Seven Biggest Debate Lies

During Tuesday's presidential debate, Romney misled Americans on a number of crucial issues. 

Oct 17, 2012 / George Zornick

Obama Outsources Romney Obama Outsources Romney

A dramatically more aggressive president called his challenger out again and again in a decade that saw Obama tell Toledo Romney’s “the last person who’s going to...

Oct 17, 2012 / John Nichols

What Obama Should Have Said in the Debate About Pay Equity What Obama Should Have Said in the Debate About Pay Equity

The president missed a chance to highlight his support for workplace equality for women, in contrast to Republican opposition. 

Oct 17, 2012 / Ben Adler

Group Running Racist ‘Obama Phone’ Ad Has Close Ties to Congressional Republicans Group Running Racist ‘Obama Phone’ Ad Has Close Ties to Congressional Republicans

Staffers from the Prosper Group are trying to distance themselves from the Tea Party Victory Fund.

Oct 16, 2012 / Lee Fang
