Campaigns and Elections

A Conversation with Joe Trippi A Conversation with Joe Trippi

John Edwards's political consultant talks about web-driven organizing, why Hillary Clinton may be the next Howard Dean and how bloggers and mainstream media are covering the campai...

Jan 8, 2008 / Feature / Ari Melber

A Season of ‘Change’ A Season of ‘Change’

Throughout the political sphere--in Democratic and Republican campaigns, in media coverage and pollsters' surveys--the word "change" is bubbling on people's lips. What does it real...

Jan 8, 2008 / Editorial / Jonathan Schell

Amid Silence, Terror War Escalates Amid Silence, Terror War Escalates

Bush's "war on terror" is escalating without discussion or dissent amid the most open and democratic of American processes--the presidential debates.

Jan 7, 2008 / Feature / Tom Hayden

New Hampshire’s Nuclear Primary New Hampshire’s Nuclear Primary

Edwards and Kucinich oppose nuclear power plants; Obama and Clinton are very much in favor: Will voters care?

Jan 7, 2008 / Feature / Harvey Wasserman

A Night at the Caucus A Night at the Caucus

An Iowa native attends his home-town caucus, and discovers deliberative democracy at its freewheeling finest. d

Jan 4, 2008 / Feature / Ari Berman

The Democratic Foreign Policy Wars The Democratic Foreign Policy Wars

All the candidates reject Bush's disasters--but that won't be enough for the next administration.

Jan 3, 2008 / Feature / Ari Berman

The Mad-Money Primary Race The Mad-Money Primary Race

If we don't fix the nominating process this year, it will be even worse in 2012.

Jan 3, 2008 / Feature / John Nichols

Pakistan’s Plight Pakistan’s Plight

A multidimensional charade is taking place in Pakistan, and it is not an edifying sight.

Jan 3, 2008 / Editorial / Tariq Ali

Obama, Race and the Presidency Obama, Race and the Presidency

Barack Obama's historic victory in Iowa comes at a crucial time for a nation still grappling with how remedies to offset racism affect America's power structure.

Jan 3, 2008 / Feature / Ari Melber

Return of the Swift Boaters Return of the Swift Boaters

As conservatives stare into an electoral abyss, the shadowy group that smeared John Kerry in 2004 has reorganized and stands poised to do its dirty work again.

Jan 2, 2008 / Feature / Chris Hayes
