Autobiography and Memoir

Killing Time Killing Time

From its unification in 1871 until its comprehensive defeat in 1945, Germany was the most bellicose and nationalistic of modern countries.

Feb 12, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Benjamin Kunkel

A Faithful Servant A Faithful Servant

Most Americans take their system of government for granted, as if Moses himself had delivered the Constitution engraved on marble tablets.

Feb 5, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Ian Williams

A Magical Realist and His Reality A Magical Realist and His Reality

As ways of writing about a past, memoirs and autobiographies, although in practice they may often overlap, are different undertakings.

Jan 8, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Perry Anderson

Murder, She Wrote Murder, She Wrote

On the page, Patricia Highsmith could inspire a law-abiding citizen to become a willing accomplice to murder, at least within the realm of the imagination.

Nov 20, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Kera Bolonik

Memoirs of a Revolutionist Memoirs of a Revolutionist

Who can recall the late Stokely Carmichael's first name and not associate it with the two most incendiary words of the 1960s, Black Power?

Nov 20, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Norman Kelley

Starting Out in the ’50s Starting Out in the ’50s

The best memoirs of recent years reveal "The Way We Live Now" as well as or better than most contemporary fiction.

Oct 23, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Dan Wakefield

The Life of the Party The Life of the Party

Interesting Times is a curiously feeble title for an autobiography, rather as if Noam Chomsky were to write an article called "Could America Do Better?" It carries, of co...

Aug 28, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Terry Eagleton

Our Man in Jazz Our Man in Jazz

Not many people can say they changed the world and make it stick. In Myself Among Others: A Life in Music, George Wein does.

Jun 26, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Gene Santoro

Secrets and Lies Secrets and Lies

You would hope that the passage of fifty years might have cleared the passions that once inflamed the Rosenberg case.

Jun 26, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Philip Weiss

The Everything Expert The Everything Expert

Toward the end of his memoir, My Brother's Keeper, Amitai Etzioni recounts meeting with the political consultant Dick Morris.

Jun 26, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Robert S. Boynton
