
Remembering the 1993 Healthcare Debate While Listening to the 1999 Healthcare Debate Remembering the 1993 Healthcare Debate While Listening to the 1999 Healthcare Debate

The single-payer system, it was said, Has faults that go beyond the fact it's Red: If any faceless bureaucrat decreed That surgery the doctor says you need

Jul 22, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Pricks Up Your Ears Pricks Up Your Ears

In the August 9/16 issue of The Nation, Alexander Cockburn discusses Pacifica's alleged plans to use "scab" programming. KPFK General Manager Mark Schubb has told The Nation that h...

Jul 22, 1999 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

The Wreck of the Primary Campaign The Wreck of the Primary Campaign

(A Republican Sea Chantey)

Jul 8, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Natural Born Killers Natural Born Killers

It didn't take long for the press to connect 21-year-old white-supremacist multikiller Benjamin Smith with the all-purpose explanation du jour: violent entertainment, in this ca...

Jul 8, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt

On Rumors of a Plea Deal for Webster Hubbell On Rumors of a Plea Deal for Webster Hubbell

If Webster Hubbell Is out of trouble, The end for Starr Cannot be far. We hope these guys Live peaceful lives With little fuss--

Jul 1, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Media Matters Media Matters

A new bride returns from a romantic honeymoon and opens a locked door in the family home, only to discover the mutilated corpses of her husband's six ex-wives.

Jul 1, 1999 / Column / Tara Zahra

Civil Society Civil Society

"Why do you care so much?" said a white friend to me during a debate about suspect profiling. "Don't take it so personally--the police aren't after you in the black middle class.

Jul 1, 1999 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Advise and Consent Advise and Consent

So Holbrooke says he's sorry, though for what is not quite clear. And Helms now says that Dick will get the post. An envoy must do many deeds to forge a bright career.

Jun 24, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Spies Who Fleeced Us The Spies Who Fleeced Us

It's always suspicious when Washingtonians start breaking into bad Latin. There may be a quid, you hear them say, and there seems to be a quo.

Jun 24, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

The Strategy of the Other Republican Presidential Candidates The Strategy of the Other Republican Presidential Candidates

Completely confident, they know that--fair And square, on issues--they'll defeat George Bush. But still, where is that famous picture where

Jun 17, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin
