Books & the Arts

The Gift Outright The Gift Outright

Readers of this magazine do not need reminders of the costs of the cold war. The mountains of corpses, the damaged lives, divided families and displaced refugees, the secret poli...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Casey Nelson Blake

Prole Like Me Prole Like Me

About every thirty years for the last one hundred, a crusading journalist somewhere has gotten the same idea: Abandon the middle-class literary life (for a brief period), get a re...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Steve Early

Wollstonecraft to Lady Di Wollstonecraft to Lady Di

Here we go, starting on what promises to be a pleasantly engrossing tour of the landmarks of three centuries of Anglo-American intellectual feminism, guided by a seriously impressi...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Deirdre English

The Professor of Desire The Professor of Desire

When Philip Roth compiles lists of the writers he most admires, Tolstoy never seems to make it. There's Flaubert, Kafka, Bellow--the touchstones. Gogol, Dostoyevsky, Célin...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Keith Gessen

The Uncertainty Principals The Uncertainty Principals

American intellectuals love the higher gossip because it gives intellectual life here--ignored or sneered at by the public--a good name. Sensational anecdotes (Harvard's Louis Aga...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Carlin Romano

Blowin’ in His Own Wind

Blowin’ in His Own Wind Blowin’ in His Own Wind

How the protest singer turned surrealistic prophet.

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Gene Santoro

The Secret History of Sex The Secret History of Sex

Once in a while you come across a book that is so original, so persuasive, so meticulously researched and documented that it overrides some of your most taken-for-granted assumpti...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Barbara Seaman

Conservatism as Phoenix Conservatism as Phoenix

You want to find out why politics has become so dreary? You won't find the answer in Rick Perlstein's book. But what you will find is relief. I've read Before the Storm twice and ...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Robert Sherrill

Southern Explosure Southern Explosure

Thirty-eight years after the bombing of Birmingham's 16th Street Baptist Church, two of the four principals are dead, but the issues are still full of life. Thomas Blanton Jr. is ...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener

The Wind She Blows The Wind She Blows

"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows," some sage once wrote. Just so. As this issue went to press, the Museum of International Folk Art, a state-run insti...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Art Winslow
