How Many Wars Is the US Really Fighting? How Many Wars Is the US Really Fighting?
Hint: the answer is way more than you think.
Sep 24, 2015 / Nick Turse
More on Mercury More on Mercury
Exchanges on mercury, ephedra and TTP.
Jun 3, 2005 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
Mercury in Vaccines, Obesity & the ‘Statin Revolution’ Mercury in Vaccines, Obesity & the ‘Statin Revolution’
What are your thoughts on mercury in vaccines and any possible side-effects? JOAN LEMLEY Vero Beach FL Dear Joan,
Apr 1, 2005 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
The Free Market and Vaccines, Part 2 The Free Market and Vaccines, Part 2
Dr. Marc regularly answers readers' questions on matters relating to medicine, healthcare and politics. To send a query, click here.
Feb 3, 2005 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
Flu Vaccines and the Free Market Flu Vaccines and the Free Market
Dr. Marc regularly answers readers' questions on matters relating to medicine, healthcare and politics. To send a query, click here.
Nov 15, 2004 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
Treating Obesity, Meatless Treats, Etc. Treating Obesity, Meatless Treats, Etc.
"I don't automatically assume doctors are more qualified to spout truths then patients are."
Sep 22, 2004 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
Alternative Visions Alternative Visions
Dr. Marc regularly answers readers' questions on matters relating to medicine, healthcare and politics. To send a query, click here.
Aug 12, 2004 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
The VA, Vanity and Duragesic The VA, Vanity and Duragesic
Dr. Marc regularly answers readers' questions on matters relating to medicine, healthcare and politics. To send a query, click here.
Jul 12, 2004 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
Single-Payer, Mad Cow and Uncompensated Care Single-Payer, Mad Cow and Uncompensated Care
Dr. Marc regularly answers readers' questions on matters relating to medicine, healthcare and politics. To send a query, click here.
May 20, 2004 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel
Medicare, Mad Cow and Nardil Medicare, Mad Cow and Nardil
Dr. Marc regularly answers readers' questions on matters relating to medicine, healthcare and politics. To send a query, click here.
Apr 7, 2004 / Column / Dr. Marc Siegel