Brown-Nosing Wall Street Reform Brown-Nosing Wall Street Reform
The House and Senate have finally ironed out their differences on Wall Street reform. What will the bill fix—and what does it leave broken?
Jun 29, 2010 / Zach Carter
Senate’s Financial Reform Is a Win, But Not Big Enough Senate’s Financial Reform Is a Win, But Not Big Enough
The Senate passed a financial reform package that includes a handful of important reforms, but it won't fundamentally change the relationship between banks and society. The real ...
May 25, 2010 / Zach Carter
Dodd to Defang Financial Reform? Dodd to Defang Financial Reform?
If Dodd proceeds with a gutted version of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, every aspect of the Wall Street overhaul will have been entirely undermined.
Mar 4, 2010 / Zach Carter
Taxpayers Lose in Citi’s Payback Plan Taxpayers Lose in Citi’s Payback Plan
Taxpayers are getting a raw deal in Citigroup's plan to repay its bailout funds. But you would never know it from reading the news.
Dec 21, 2009 / Feature / Zach Carter
A Master of Disaster A Master of Disaster
John Dugan helped create the "too big to fail" economy--so why is he still regulating our banks?
Dec 16, 2009 / Feature / Zach Carter
Shareholders Alone Can’t Correct ‘Too Big to Fail’ Shareholders Alone Can’t Correct ‘Too Big to Fail’
At major US banks, shareholders actually want their executives to be rewarded for taking on excessive risk.
Nov 23, 2009 / Feature / Zach Carter