William Anderson

Will Anderson is a student and a writer based in Baltimore and Paris.

Florida Alligator

Student-Run Newspapers Need Our Help—and They’re Coming Together to Ask for It Student-Run Newspapers Need Our Help—and They’re Coming Together to Ask for It

Independent news organizations at colleges across the US are under threat. The Save Student Newsrooms movement wants to change that.

Apr 25, 2018 / William Anderson

NYT The Edit

The New York Times’ ‘Edit’ Draws 20,000 Applicants The New York Times’ ‘Edit’ Draws 20,000 Applicants

The Edit is a cost-effective way to bring a subscriber-boosting perspective to the paper, but what about the young journalists whose work it uses?

Mar 12, 2018 / William Anderson

Freddie Gray protests

Student Journalists Are Our Future—We Should Start Treating Them Like It Student Journalists Are Our Future—We Should Start Treating Them Like It

They’re the next generation, and they’ve been picking up the slack of gutted local newsrooms and indifferent national outlets.

Jul 11, 2017 / StudentNation / William Anderson
