Susan Ohanian

Susan Ohanian, a longtime teacher, is a fellow at the Education
Policy Research Unit at Arizona State University and at the Vermont
Society for the Study of Education. She is the author of One Size Fits Few: The Folly of Educational Standards (Heinemann).

Bush Flunks Schools Bush Flunks Schools

If "no child left behind" meant what it said, it would offer help, not sanctions.

Nov 13, 2003 / Feature / Susan Ohanian

An Antisocial Idea An Antisocial Idea

Just because the ed whiz-biz politicians and the education bureaucrats have announced the end of "social promotion" doesn't mean that it ever existed--not for the past thirty yea...

Feb 16, 2000 / Feature / Susan Ohanian

Standardized Schools Standardized Schools

Wielding high-stakes tests, a noisy alliance of politicians, corporate CEOs and media pundits seems intent on standardizing education, proclaiming that every kid in America shoul...

Sep 30, 1999 / Editorial / Susan Ohanian
