How Private Capital Strangled Our Cities How Private Capital Strangled Our Cities
By following the money, a new history of urban inequality turns our attention away from federal malfeasance and toward capital markets and financial instruments.
Jan 4, 2022 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Zipp

The Ethical Commitment to Be a Punk The Ethical Commitment to Be a Punk
How 1980s punk music birthed its own kind of radical politics.
Jan 6, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Zipp

The Lost Internationalism of Wendell Willkie The Lost Internationalism of Wendell Willkie
David Levering Lewis’s new biography recovers Willkie’s anti-imperialist vision.
Mar 14, 2019 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Zipp

Burning Down the House: On Ed Koch Burning Down the House: On Ed Koch
Ed Koch rebuilt New York City by demolishing its long-running experiments in urban liberalism.
Nov 23, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Zipp
Living for the City Living for the City
There's more to the legend of Jane Jacobs than her showdown with Robert Moses.
Mar 18, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Zipp