Student Loan Payments Have Resumed, but the Fight for Cancellation Isn’t Over Student Loan Payments Have Resumed, but the Fight for Cancellation Isn’t Over
With Biden's plan blocked by SCOTUS, borrowers find themselves closer to reaching $2 trillion of student debt. Now more than ever, we need to end this crisis.
Oct 9, 2023 / StudentNation / Shanna Hayes and Sabrina Calazans

SoFi Bank’s Lawsuit to End the Student Loan Payment Pause Is Pure Corporate Greed SoFi Bank’s Lawsuit to End the Student Loan Payment Pause Is Pure Corporate Greed
The CEO of SoFi was paid nearly $103 million in 2021. Now the bank is suing the Biden administration in an attempt to gain even greater profits.
Apr 12, 2023 / StudentNation / Natalia Abrams, Cody Hounanian, and Sabrina Calazans

¿Quiere arreglar la brecha racial de riqueza? Comience cancelando la deuda estudiantil. ¿Quiere arreglar la brecha racial de riqueza? Comience cancelando la deuda estudiantil.
Quiero imaginar un futuro mejor, al igual que lo hicieron mis padres. Pero no debería venir con ataduras abrumadoras.
Apr 26, 2021 / StudentNation / Sabrina Calazans

Want to Fix the Racial Wealth Gap? Start By Canceling Student Debt. Want to Fix the Racial Wealth Gap? Start By Canceling Student Debt.
I want to imagine a better future, just as my parents did. But it shouldn’t come with overwhelming strings attached.
Apr 26, 2021 / StudentNation / Sabrina Calazans