Rebecca Gordon

Rebecca Gordon, a TomDispatch regular, teaches in the philosophy department at the University of San Francisco. She is the author of American Nuremberg: The U.S. Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post-9/11 War Crimes (Hot Books, April 2016). Her previous books include Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States and Letters from Nicaragua.

Migrant caravan from Honduras

The Current Migrant Crisis Was Created by US Foreign Policy, Not Trump The Current Migrant Crisis Was Created by US Foreign Policy, Not Trump

The roots of our migrant crisis trace back to decades of US interventionism and bloody coups in Central America.

Aug 16, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

Having an Abortion Was the Most Unselfish Thing I’ve Done

Having an Abortion Was the Most Unselfish Thing I’ve Done Having an Abortion Was the Most Unselfish Thing I’ve Done

A writer reflects on the Trump era, the state of reproductive health in America, and her decision to get an abortion in 1974.

Jul 16, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

Mission Accomplished

The War Crimes Trump Can’t Pardon The War Crimes Trump Can’t Pardon

The president is considering pardons for military members accused of war crimes, but the officials responsible for our disastrous wars already have free passes.

Jun 7, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

Iranian protesters burn Trump photo

The Trump Era Calls for an ‘American Spring’ The Trump Era Calls for an ‘American Spring’

It’s time that our president—like the autocrats he is propping up across North Africa and the Middle East—finally be held accountable.

May 2, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

John Bolton at CPAC

Why Are We Above International Law? Why Are We Above International Law?

The Trump administration’s rejection of the International Criminal Court is the latest example of America’s toxic exceptionalism.

Mar 26, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

Miss America Protest New Jersey 1968

Man-Made Myths About the Female Body Have Led to Centuries of Bad Sex Man-Made Myths About the Female Body Have Led to Centuries of Bad Sex

The erasure of the clitoris from the study of anatomy is one of the biggest cover-ups in modern history. 

Mar 7, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

New York National Guard members

Trump Is Exploiting the National Guard Trump Is Exploiting the National Guard

Former presidents have deployed the reserve military force to bust unions, quell riots, and fight in wars of our own making. Trump is now using it to fabricate a border crisis.

Feb 11, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

Donald Trump

What Is Truth in the Age of Trump? What Is Truth in the Age of Trump?

How “alternative facts” have reshaped the way we think about truth.

Jan 11, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

Donald Trump

A Presidency on Drugs A Presidency on Drugs

The Trump administration makes the news cycle feel like a bad dose of amphetamines.

Dec 6, 2018 / Rebecca Gordon

Election 2018 Nevada Voters

Meet the Cooks and Casino Workers Leaving Their Jobs to Campaign Against Trump Meet the Cooks and Casino Workers Leaving Their Jobs to Campaign Against Trump

In Nevada and elsewhere, stakes are high for the canvassers hoping to swing the Senate.

Oct 11, 2018 / Rebecca Gordon
