Mustafa Barghouti

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti is Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative political party and came in second during the last elections for the Palestinian Authority.

Palestinian kids

In Opening Its Embassy in Jerusalem, the US Has Slammed the Door on the Peace Process In Opening Its Embassy in Jerusalem, the US Has Slammed the Door on the Peace Process

In its place, it is time for a new paradigm based on full national and civil equality for all.

May 14, 2018 / Mustafa Barghouti

Why We Need International Recognition of the State of Palestine

Why We Need International Recognition of the State of Palestine Why We Need International Recognition of the State of Palestine

After two decades of sham negotiations, it’s the best way to put pressure on Israel to end the occupation.

Oct 17, 2014 / Mustafa Barghouti

Steadfast Before Goliath Steadfast Before Goliath

A leading Palestinian politician defends his people and their nonviolent resistance to Israeli occupation.

Feb 6, 2009 / Editorial / Mustafa Barghouti
