Marc Cooper

Contributing Editor

Marc Cooper, a Nation contributing editor, is a retired professor of journalism at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.





The Minutemen Hit the Wall The Minutemen Hit the Wall

As Democratic Congressional candidates in Arizona embrace comprehensive immigration reform, conservative Republicans are no longer winning on their "militarize the border" message.

Oct 5, 2006 / Feature / Marc Cooper

Swing-Time in New Mexico Swing-Time in New Mexico

In the ultimate swing district of the ultimate swing state, Patricia Madrid is trying to unseat New Mexico Representative "Leather" Heather Wilson. Is her Mountain State liberalism...

Jul 13, 2006 / Feature / Marc Cooper

The Race to Replace Arnold: Running on Empty The Race to Replace Arnold: Running on Empty

The limp grassroots response to Democratic gubernatorial candidates reveals that the plummeting popularity of one party doesn't automatically translate into support for the other.

May 18, 2006 / Feature / Marc Cooper

Showdown on Immigration Showdown on Immigration

After twenty years of inaction, the US Senate is considering sweeping immigration reform. But a push for quick action and the November elections may thwart the current bipartisan c...

Mar 16, 2006 / Feature / Marc Cooper

Guess Who Was Advising the Emirates? Guess Who Was Advising the Emirates?

Guess who just bobbed to the surface smack dab in the middle of the Dubai ports deal? Why, none other than Slick Willie. That's right, we now learn that Big Bill Clinton was on the...

Mar 2, 2006 / The Notion / Marc Cooper

My Dinner With Ashcroft My Dinner With Ashcroft

I spent this past weekend bunkered in with 350 movement conservatives and some of their favorite pols and strategists – from John Ashcroft to Tom Tancredo to Jim Woolsey --an...

Feb 27, 2006 / The Notion / Marc Cooper

L.A. Labor Thrown Into Crisis L.A. Labor Thrown Into Crisis

The country's most dynamic and progressive union coalition – The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor--finds itself in a world of pain this week, just a few months out from...

Feb 24, 2006 / The Notion / Marc Cooper

California Death Penalty Melt-Down California Death Penalty Melt-Down

It's getting rather macabre up in San Quentin's death chamber. For two nights in a row convicted killer Michael Morales was scheduled to die by lethal injection. Two times he didn'...

Feb 22, 2006 / The Notion / Marc Cooper

Cheney Again Cheney Again

Jane Mayer's got a whopping-good piece in the latest New Yorker detailing the frustrated crusade of one Alberto J. Mora to stop the institutionalization of torture by Bush admini...

Feb 21, 2006 / The Notion / Marc Cooper

California Going Indie? California Going Indie?

"California voters are shedding their identification with the two major political parties so rapidly that if current trends continue, independent voters could outnumber Democr...

Feb 20, 2006 / The Notion / Marc Cooper
