Marc Cooper

Contributing Editor

Marc Cooper, a Nation contributing editor, is a retired professor of journalism at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.





Pacifica on the Brink Pacifica on the Brink

Marc Cooper hosts a daily drive-time show on Pacifica's KPFK.

Jul 22, 1999 / Editorial / Marc Cooper

No Sweat No Sweat

The bucolic, palm-studded campus of Stanford bears no resemblance to the old and gritty auto workers' summer camp at Port Huron, Michigan, where SDS was formed in 1962.

May 20, 1999 / Feature / Marc Cooper

Exchange: The News From Pacifica Exchange: The News From Pacifica

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1999 / Letters / Alexander Cockburn, Marc Cooper, and Our Readers

Whose Pacifica? Whose Pacifica?

There's a scene in The Godfather when Clemenza, anticipating the outbreak of a full-scale war between the families, nonchalantly remarks to young Mikey Corleone: "This thing's go...

Apr 21, 1999 / Editorial / Marc Cooper

Postcards From the Left Postcards From the Left

As the limos and their glitterati cargo pull up to the Oscars ceremony this year, they may have to share a bit of screen time with a band of angry picketers.

Mar 18, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Marc Cooper

My Lost Weekend My Lost Weekend

By the time we got to firing off the water-cooled, tripod-mounted, 30-caliber machine gun at the NRA-run Ben Avery gun range a half-hour north of here on the Saturday after ...

Jan 14, 1999 / Feature / Marc Cooper
