Juan Cole


Juan Cole, the Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan, is the author, most recently, of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A New Translation From the Persian.

Jamal Khashoggi

Pulp Fiction in Istanbul, or, the Looming Turkey-Saudi Cold War Pulp Fiction in Istanbul, or, the Looming Turkey-Saudi Cold War

The disappearance, and probable brutal murder, of journalist Jamal Khashoggi on Turkish soil could crater an already troubled geopolitical climate.

Oct 11, 2018 / Editorial / Juan Cole

Donald Trump Iran Deal

Trump’s Unwavering Adversary: Islam Trump’s Unwavering Adversary: Islam

The flip-flopping 45th president remains remarkably consistent in his condemnation of the global Muslim community.

Oct 9, 2018 / Juan Cole

Pompeo Iran Speech

How the Neocon Plan to Destabilize Iran Will Blow Back on the United States How the Neocon Plan to Destabilize Iran Will Blow Back on the United States

A destabilized Iran would make post-invasion Iraq look like Disney World by comparison.

Jul 26, 2018 / Juan Cole

Saudi Princes

The Saudi Crown Prince Auditions for Trump as ‘Policeman of the Middle East’ The Saudi Crown Prince Auditions for Trump as ‘Policeman of the Middle East’

But with friends like this—a repressive monarch, a war criminal, and a sectarian ideologue—who needs enemies?

Mar 20, 2018 / Juan Cole

Qatar's Al Thani and Turkey's Erdogan

David and Goliath: How Qatar Defeated the Saudi and UAE Annexation Plot David and Goliath: How Qatar Defeated the Saudi and UAE Annexation Plot

Emir Sheikh Tamim’s refusal to even discuss the Saudi/UAE demands has made him a national hero in Qatar.

Feb 16, 2018 / Juan Cole


The Death of a Dictator Leaves Yemen a Worse Mess The Death of a Dictator Leaves Yemen a Worse Mess

Ali Abdullah Saleh’s life is emblematic of the way the bright hopes of Arab nationalism have disintegrated into sectarianism.

Dec 11, 2017 / Juan Cole


Saudi Arabia’s Rivalry With Iran Is Further Destabilizing the Middle East Saudi Arabia’s Rivalry With Iran Is Further Destabilizing the Middle East

Riyadh’s divide-and-rule strategy has yielded few successes, and it hasn’t made a dent in Iran’s regional influence.

Nov 27, 2017 / Juan Cole


What Russia’s Syria Intervention Tells Us About Its Interference in the US Election What Russia’s Syria Intervention Tells Us About Its Interference in the US Election

Playing on ethnic and racial divisions has become a hallmark of crony-capitalist Russia.

Nov 6, 2017 / Juan Cole

Neo-Nazis Charlottesville

Charlottesville: Is America Becoming the Middle East? Charlottesville: Is America Becoming the Middle East?

 Our neo-imperial wars may be coming home to roost.

Aug 16, 2017 / Juan Cole

Turkish Journalists Trial

Turkey’s Great Terror Turkey’s Great Terror

Recep Erdogan has turned his country into a gulag state, branding millions of citizens as terrorists.

Aug 11, 2017 / Juan Cole
