The Lunacy of Global Seafood Supply Chains The Lunacy of Global Seafood Supply Chains
Scenes from a pandemic: 8
May 20, 2020 / Jennifer C. Berkshire

Trump’s Education Policy Is an Opportunity for Democrats Trump’s Education Policy Is an Opportunity for Democrats
Republicans are running away from Betsy DeVos’s “education freedom” agenda as fast as they can. So why haven’t Democrats noticed?
Mar 5, 2020 / Jennifer C. Berkshire

The Democrats’ School Choice Problem The Democrats’ School Choice Problem
Charter schools find their most vocal Democratic support among the least progressive members of the party: centrists and Wall Streeters.
Dec 30, 2019 / Jennifer C. Berkshire
A Social Occasion A Social Occasion
When organizers were planning the Boston Social Forum, they envisioned a gathering that would counter the Democratic National Convention in every way.
Jul 29, 2004 / Jennifer C. Berkshire
Dispatches from the Boston Social Forum Dispatches from the Boston Social Forum
If another world is possible, what will that world look like?
Jul 24, 2004 / Feature / Jennifer C. Berkshire
Alien Nation Alien Nation
When immigrant janitors in Boston went on strike this fall, they attracted some unlikely allies.
Nov 14, 2002 / Jennifer C. Berkshire