James Carden

James W. Carden is a contributing writer for foreign affairs at The Nation. He served as a policy adviser to the Special Representative for Intergovernmental Affairs and the Office of Russia Affairs at the US State Department.

Trump in a Car MAGA

Trump’s Withdrawal From the Open Skies Treaty Jeopardizes US National Security Trump’s Withdrawal From the Open Skies Treaty Jeopardizes US National Security

The president’s foreign policy isn’t “America First,” it’s “America Alone.”

Oct 17, 2019 / James Carden

This nuclear explosion was conducted at the Nevada Test Site in 1953.

A Coalition to Save the World A Coalition to Save the World

Women state legislators and advocacy groups are uniting to call for a no-first-use nuclear policy.

Oct 2, 2019 / James Carden

John Bolton at CPAC

Progressives Are Right to Endorse a ‘No First Use’ Nuclear Weapons Policy Progressives Are Right to Endorse a ‘No First Use’ Nuclear Weapons Policy

Donald Trump and John Bolton are busy dismantling the global nuclear nonproliferation regime. Elizabeth Warren has the right response.

Aug 15, 2019 / James Carden


Steve Bannon’s Foreign Policy Crusade Against China Steve Bannon’s Foreign Policy Crusade Against China

Bannon joins forces with neocons and re-forms the Committee on the Present Danger to focus on China.

Aug 5, 2019 / James Carden

Mike Pompeo

The Pompeo Commission Is Weaponizing Human Rights The Pompeo Commission Is Weaponizing Human Rights

This effort is another in a long line of efforts by Christian conservatives to interpret “human rights” to further their own parochial agenda.

Jul 30, 2019 / James Carden

Donald Trump

As Trump Tears Up Our Treaties, Can Local Efforts Yield Diplomatic Fruit? As Trump Tears Up Our Treaties, Can Local Efforts Yield Diplomatic Fruit?

A bipartisan bill seeks to bolster the diplomatic efforts of state and local leaders.

Jul 19, 2019 / James Carden

Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg’s Comprehensive Foreign-Policy Vision Pete Buttigieg’s Comprehensive Foreign-Policy Vision

In a speech at Indiana University, Mayor Pete promised to end America’s endless wars, support nuclear nonproliferation, and rejoin the Iran nuclear deal.

Jun 13, 2019 / James Carden

National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)

Time to Pursue an International Cyber Treaty? Time to Pursue an International Cyber Treaty?

The Mueller report findings show a cyber “wild west” is not in the US national interest.

Apr 30, 2019 / James Carden

Anti-Trump protester's sign

How ‘Russiagate’ Has Reshaped American and Russian Public Opinion How ‘Russiagate’ Has Reshaped American and Russian Public Opinion

As a new study reveals growing distrust between the populations of the two countries, citizen diplomacy becomes all the more important.

Apr 11, 2019 / James Carden

US Capitol

It’s Time to Rethink Our World Order It’s Time to Rethink Our World Order

On April 2, liberals and conservatives came together on Capitol Hill to challenge the Beltway’s hawkish foreign-policy orthodoxy.

Apr 4, 2019 / James Carden
