How the Left Fought Back Against Thatcher How the Left Fought Back Against Thatcher
It wasn't easy, but artists, musicians and activists met Thatcher's brutal tactics with compassionate responses.
Apr 9, 2013 / The Nation Video and Antonino D’Ambrosio

How the Creative Response of Artists and Activists Can Transform the World How the Creative Response of Artists and Activists Can Transform the World
It's the antidote to the consumerism and cynicism that define our culture.
Jan 9, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Antonino D’Ambrosio
Lee Atwater’s Legacy Lee Atwater’s Legacy
Rebel. Liar. Attack dog. Bigot. Stefan Forbes's Boogie Man assesses the enduring damage Lee Atwater did to our political process.
Oct 8, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Antonino D’Ambrosio
Joe Strummer, Terrorist? Joe Strummer, Terrorist?
What does it mean that a man was arrested on suspicion of terrorism for singing the lyrics of the Clash's classic "London Calling"?
Apr 20, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Antonino D’Ambrosio