#1 Blanket R. Lesquerade, Rockenhausen, Germany, “ One World No Wall” 2019 Lourdes Almeida, Mexico City, “BASTA” 2019 Laura Guadalupe Steinman Mбrquez, University Ibero, Tijuana Mexico, “Volando en libertad” (flying with liberty) Hede Kaffenberger and Petra Meinzer, Rockenhausen, Germany “ Peace” 2019 Paloma Domнnguez Mйndez, Mexico 2019, “ Nuestro cuerpo no es campo de batalla” (our body is not a battle field) Li Koelan, Berlin, Germany “The Flower of Life” 2019 María Tzin, Los Angeles, CA, “Ni una más”, (Not one more) 2019 Beate Honsell- Weiss, Berlin, Germany, “Everything is connected to everything” 2019 #2 Blanket Niza Garcia, Mexico Embrodiery, “Eres Fuego” Adriana Calatayud, Mexico 2019, Embrodiery and paint (brain) Mayra Huerta Jimenez, Mexico, 2019, Fortalece Une Laura Zavala Hidalgo, Mexico 2020, Siempre Unidas Dorothy Thursby, USA 2019, Patchwork/paint, Mother and Child Beatrнz Zavala Hidalgo, Mexico 2020, “Paz” Maxine Foster, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, “Healing Hands” piece, combination batik and quilting cotton. Francine Fischl, USA, 2019, Patchwork on cotton, “Dogs for Justice a gift for children/Perros por Justicía para los niños. Cheryl Kanuck, Bluffton, South Carolina 2019, Patchwork on cotton“Earth in Our Hands” # 3 Blanket Lucille C Atkin, Austin Tx/Oax, 2019, “ Gender equity is necessary for everyone” (three little women above says Hagamos un mundo major) Jennie Johnston, Burnaby British Columbia, Canada, 2019 “ Together We Rise, (depicts women of all ages, skin tones) RosaMaria Oliart Rios, Veracruz, Mexico 2019, “ Victimas de Trafíco de Personas” Sarah Rafael Garica, Santa Ana, CA, 2019 “ Carmen Flores Martinez” My patchwork is dedicated to mi tía abuela Carmen Flores Martinez who was brutally murdered by a man in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico in the 1980s. Although no one in my family speaks of her death, and even this project caused conflict, I will never stop speaking or telling her story. Tia Carmen taught me at a young age that women didn’t have to get married or have children. She was also an independent business owner who retrofitted her own home to create a tiendita that sold goods to the local community, enough to keep herself housed and fed without depending on anyone but herself. Susie Monday, Pipe Creek, Tx 2019, “ Home Safe/ A salvo en casa Yolanda Chávez, University Ibero Group, Tijuana, Mexico 2019 “Todas Tejiendo Empatía” Devika Olmeda y Alma Mйndez, Cancún, México 2019, “No matarnos, no violarnos” Lic. Gema Osuna Hdz, Universidad Internacional de La Paz, La Paz, Mexico 2019 “ Todas Somos Una” We are all one Julia Sneidrova, Group University Ibero, Tijuana, Mexico, “Amor de las abuelas/Grandmothers Love” 2019 (Marietta Bernstorff)