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What Mandate Did Voters Give Obama?

Last week was a big win for President Obama. So what are American voters trying to tell the president about their hopes for his second term? 

Melissa Harris-Perry

November 12, 2012

Contrary to conservative conspiracy theories, Barack Obama won by a bigger margin than JFK, Nixon, Carter and George W. Bush. But what are voters trying to tell him about their hopes for his second term? As executive editor Richard Kim put it, “They rejected the Romney/Ryan agenda…they rejected the idea that society is made of takers and givers.” He joins Nation columnist Melissa Harris-Perry to piece apart what Obama’s new mandate means for the future of progressive policy.

—Christie Thompson

For more on four more years, check out Robert Scheer on why Obama's second term is our responsibility.

Melissa Harris-PerryTwitterMelissa Harris-Perry is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair and Professor in the Department of Politics and International Affairs and the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Wake Forest University. She is also the co-host of The Nation’s System Check podcast.

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