Rachel Maddow Interviews Barack Obama

Rachel Maddow Interviews Barack Obama

Rachel Maddow Interviews Barack Obama

Barack Obama tells Rachel Maddow why he hasn’t attacked the Republican party more and how he intends to govern a working majority.

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In this video, Barack Obama sits with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow for an interview and answers questions on conservatism, building a working majority for change and reaching out to Republicans. Unlike his opponent, who has continuously attacked the tenets of liberalism by characterizing Obama as a “redistributor” and socialist, Obama refuses to alienate Independents and moderate Republicans. “I just want to make sure that I’m leaving the door open to people who say to themselves, ‘Well, I’m a member of the Republican party and I remember people like Chuck Percy in Illinois and Abraham Lincoln of Illinois,’ ” he said. “There are some core values that historically have been important to the Republican party but just have not been observed over the last several years.”

Erica Landau

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