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Pilgrim Bell

Kaveh Akbar

September 21, 2017

My savior has powers and he needs. To be convinced to use them for good. Up until now he has been. A no-call no-show. The menace. Of ecstasy like a hornets nest buzzing. Under ice. Like scabs of rust. On a plane wing. I am younger than. I pretend to be. Almost everyone. Is younger than I pretend to be. I am a threat. And full of grief even. In my joy. Like a cat who kills. A mouse at play and tries. To lick it back to life. The cat lives. Somewhere between wonder. And shame. I live in a great mosque. Built on top of a flagpole. Up here. Whatever happens happens. Loudly. All day I hammer the distance. Between the earth and me. Into faith. Blue light pulls in through. The long crack in my wall. Braids. Into a net. The difference between. A real voice and the other kind. Is the way its air vibrates. Through you. The violence. In your middle ear.

Kaveh Akbar

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