Meanwhile, Back in Afghanistan

Meanwhile, Back in Afghanistan

It’s appalingly clear Team Bush is unwilling to do the hard work it takes to make Afghanistan the functioning nation it was before cold war games tore it apart.

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What’s up with Osama bin Laden? Remember when capturing him “dead or alive” and eliminating his Afghanistan-based al Qaeda, as Bush promised, was what the War on Terror was all about?

Instead the President got distracted with his idiotic invasion of Iraq where al Qaida had been effectively banned by the secular dictator the US deposed. Now we are left holding the bag in two desperate countries with bleak futures where perpetrators of 9/11 are reportedly thriving and guerilla warfare and terror bombings have continued to increase.

“Al Qaida is quickly changing and we are not,” warned Timothy J. Roemer, a member of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission appointed by President Bush, last month. “Al Qaida is highly dynamic and we are not. Al Qaida is highly imaginative and we are not.”

Yet, in his speeches, Bush clings to the notion that the battle against terrorism is going well because, according to his spin, we have been able to eliminate it in Afghanistan and are now destroying the last vestiges of this scourge in Iraq. On his visit to Kabul last month, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld elaborated on this absurdity by declaring bloody, backward Afghanistan as a “model” of progress in the War on Terror–even as he admitted that “Iraq is several years behind.”

Rumsfeld’s claim of progress was treated as ridiculous by Afghan security officials interviewed in a BBC survey of opinion following the defense secretary’s visit. “We are very worried now,” one senior police official told the BBC. “The Taliban and Al Qaida are getting more threatening.”

Last Sunday, US sources claimed to have targeted Osama’s second-in-command with the bombing of a village on the Pakistan side of the border with Afghanistan. But, as is so often the case when applying air power to non-military targets, the corpses left in the debris of a devastated village did not include the intended target. In the aftermath, American flags were once again burning in the region as anti-American protests swept Pakistan.

Meanwhile, next door in Afghanistan, a new rash of suicide bombings–twenty-five in four months, according to the Los Angeles Times–is providing evidence that al Qaida’s old partners in crime, the Taliban, are back with a vengeance. Over the weekend, twenty civilians were killed by a suicide bomber, while a Canadian diplomat was killed in another attack. This month is on pace to be the bloodiest the country has seen since the US invasion.

NATO members with troops operating out of Kabul are balking at sending more, while at least one, Holland, is considering pulling out altogether of a much-hyped occupation which seems to be accomplishing little.

“What happened to the new roads and irrigation canals, the jobs we were told about?” village elders plaintively inquired of a BBC correspondent. Indeed, five years of “nation-building” has left Afghanistan a festering wound, with primitive warlords still dominant, an isolated capital with no control of the country side, no national infrastructure, and a once-again booming opium trade the country’s only economic bright spot.

“Of course we’re growing poppy this year,” one district chief told the BBC. “The government, the foreigners–they promised to help if we stopped. But where is it?”

This occupation is only the latest in centuries of cynical–or at best, ineffective–meddling in Afghanistan. From the Brits to the Soviets to the Republicans, everybody has seen the place as useful to achieve ends which have nothing to do with making it a better place to live. As we once again draw down our annual economic commitment to Afghanistan’s rebuilding from $1 billion to $600 million annually, it is clear the Bush team is hoping the country will once again recede from the global stage into unseen anarchy.

After our dramatic initial stab into Afghanistan after 9/11, the Bush Administration has shown no willingness to do the heavy lifting that would be required to make the country once again the functioning nation it was before cold war games tore it apart. Rather, as with the rest of its policies, a token effort has merely been a cover for conning the American public into believing Bush is effectively pursuing the War on Terror.

Since most Americans could not find the country on a map, this deeply cynical approach will continue to work–at least until the next time a gang of marauders trained in the primitive badlands of Afghanistan and Pakistan and funded by our “allies” in Saudi Arabia launch another devastating attack on US soil.

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