Help Feingold Keep His Seat

Help Feingold Keep His Seat

Helping Feingold, the Senate’s true maverick, retain his seat in Wisconsin is one of the best ways to push back against the Tea Party’s growing influence.

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Wisconsin Tea Party Senate candidate, self-financed multi-millionaire Ron Johnson is outspending the incumbent Russell Feingold three to one but the polls are still very close. The Feingold campaign is looking for people nationwide to make calls today and tomorrow to help get out the vote and make Feingold’s case. Click here to start helping immediately. Helping Feingold, the Senate’s true maverick and an important progressive voice, retain his seat in Wisconsin is one of the best ways to push back against the Tea Party’s growing influence.

The differences between the two candidates can perhaps best be illustrated by their respective answers to a question posed by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which recently asked Feingold and Johnson to name the living person who most inspired them.

Feingold picked Nelson Mandela. Johnson’s choice? Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn!

Make a call (or twenty!) for Feingold today!

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