
On Memorial Day, America Should Honor Troops by Bringing Them Home

On Memorial Day, America Should Honor Troops by Bringing Them Home On Memorial Day, America Should Honor Troops by Bringing Them Home

The American experiment was founded on the principle that "permanent war" was to be avoided, as it posed the greatest threat to liberty. This Memorial Day, Americans shou...

May 29, 2011 / Blog / John Nichols

The Arrest of Ratko Mladic: A Victory for the EU The Arrest of Ratko Mladic: A Victory for the EU

The path is now open for Serbia’s entry into the Union. But Serbian society has just begun the hard work of coming to terms with the country’s role in perpetrating war ...

May 27, 2011 / Paul Hockenos

This Week: A Recall on Ryan’s Budget. PLUS: Special Tribute for Memorial Day This Week: A Recall on Ryan’s Budget. PLUS: Special Tribute for Memorial Day

 This week, Ryan's draconian budget is dealt a defeaning blow. We take stock of the House vote to end the war in Afghanistan, and two slideshows: seven commonly purchased Koch...

May 27, 2011 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Zelaya to Return to Honduras

Zelaya to Return to Honduras Zelaya to Return to Honduras

Two years after being deposed in a military coup, former President Manuel Zelaya will return to his country Saturday morning, with his political rights, and those of the social mov...

May 27, 2011 / Tom Hayden

The Next Front in Israel’s Campaign to Silence Dissent The Next Front in Israel’s Campaign to Silence Dissent

Naomi Klein argues that the efforts to silence the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign have only brought attention to the cause.

May 27, 2011 / Video / The Nation

Army, Muslim Brotherhood Vs. Tahrir Square Army, Muslim Brotherhood Vs. Tahrir Square

Egypt's military is running things, and the Muslim Brotherhood is happy about it.

May 27, 2011 / Blog / Bob Dreyfuss

Video: Gaza, the Goldstone Report and the Crisis of Impunity Video: Gaza, the Goldstone Report and the Crisis of Impunity

On May 19, The Nation's Naomi Klein joined Noura Erakat, Lizzy Ratner, Trudie Styler and Col. Desmond Travers on a panel moderated by Laura Flanders for a conversation about the im...

May 27, 2011 / Video / The Nation

1,500 Reasons to End the Afghanistan War 1,500 Reasons to End the Afghanistan War

This Memorial Day, help stop the senseless deaths of men and women in uniform.

May 26, 2011 / Blog / Peter Rothberg

A Palestinian Revolt in the Making? A Palestinian Revolt in the Making?

A new generation, inspired by the Arab Spring, is seeking to reforge a unified national identity and reinvigorate the liberation struggle.

May 26, 2011 / Jesse Rosenfeld and Joseph Dana

Egypt, Hamas and Obama Egypt, Hamas and Obama

Egypt is opening the door to Hamas. Washington may not like it, but it’s time to talk.

May 26, 2011 / Blog / Bob Dreyfuss
