
Roadblocks to Damascus Roadblocks to Damascus

Washington hawks have put the kibosh on Barack Obama's ambassadorial appointment to Syria, further fueling skepticism in the Arab world about the "new beginning" he promi...

Jul 2, 2010 / Frederick Deknatel

RNC’s Steele Says: ‘The One Thing You Don’t Do Is Engage in a Land War In Afghanistan.’ Uh-Oh, Now He’s in Trouble! RNC’s Steele Says: ‘The One Thing You Don’t Do Is Engage in a Land War In Afghanistan.’ Uh-Oh, Now He’s in Trouble!

GOP chair's (generally) honest assessment of Afghanistan brings a call for his resignation from the party's neocon police chief, William Kristol.

Jul 2, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols

Call Torture by its Real Name

Call Torture by its Real Name Call Torture by its Real Name

Instead of rape, let's just call it, "unilateral, physical intimacy." Instead of torture, let's just call it, "enhanced interrogation techniques," and pretend...

Jul 2, 2010 / Nation in the News / Press Room

House Dems Stand Firm on Afghanistan Withdrawal Timetable House Dems Stand Firm on Afghanistan Withdrawal Timetable

Thursday's votes send a significant antiwar message to President Obama, leaving the White House dependent on Republicans for Afghanistan war support.

Jul 2, 2010 / Tom Hayden

A Defining Vote on Afghanistan

A Defining Vote on Afghanistan A Defining Vote on Afghanistan

More than six months after the implementation of the Obama/McChrystal strategy, and with one year to go before the beginning withdrawal of US forces, it's clear that the strategy i...

Jul 1, 2010 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Counterinsurgency Down for the Count in Afghanistan Counterinsurgency Down for the Count in Afghanistan

But the war machine grinds on and on and on.

Jul 1, 2010 / Ann Jones

Crisis of Legitimacy in Honduras? Crisis of Legitimacy in Honduras?

A year after President Zelaya was forced out, the government still lacks the support of the people.

Jun 30, 2010 / Dana Frank

Will the House Approve Another Year in Afghanistan?

Will the House Approve Another Year in Afghanistan? Will the House Approve Another Year in Afghanistan?

If tomorrow's vote shows an increased Congressional opposition, the president and his national security team will face a future in which the Afghanistan war is supported primaril...

Jun 30, 2010 / Tom Hayden

Esther Kaplan: New Evidence for Hikers Detained by Iran Esther Kaplan: New Evidence for Hikers Detained by Iran

Esther Kaplan, Editor of the Nation Institute's Investigative Fund, argues that investigative journalism has played a vital role in unearthing just how and where the three Americ...

Jun 30, 2010 / Nation in the News / The Nation on Grit TV

Esther Kaplan: New Evidence for Hikers Detained by Iran Esther Kaplan: New Evidence for Hikers Detained by Iran

Esther Kaplan, Editor of the Nation Institute's Investigative Fund, argues that investigative journalism has played a vital role in unearthing just how and where the three American...

Jun 30, 2010 / Video / The Nation on Grit TV
