War and Peace

Torture Is Not a Partisan Issue Torture Is Not a Partisan Issue

Because we have not held Dick Cheney and the other war criminals accountable for their crude distortion of international law, torture continues to sneak into our national dialogue ...

May 10, 2011 / Video / MSNBC

The US, Pakistan and the CIA The US, Pakistan and the CIA

The ISI claims to disapprove of the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden, but the raid got the green light from Islamabad ten years ago.

May 10, 2011 / Blog / Bob Dreyfuss

Obama (So Far) Ignores Hawks on Syria Obama (So Far) Ignores Hawks on Syria

Assad's likely to survive the crisis, and the United States should stay out.

May 9, 2011 / Blog / Bob Dreyfuss

The Breakdown: What Will the ‘War on Terror’ Look Like After Osama bin Laden?

The Breakdown: What Will the ‘War on Terror’ Look Like After Osama bin Laden? The Breakdown: What Will the ‘War on Terror’ Look Like After Osama bin Laden?

In the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden, will the US alter its strategy in the 'War on Terror'? Jeremy Scahill joins Chris Hayes to explain how the death of the Al Qaeda lead...

May 6, 2011 / Audio / Chris Hayes

Torturism, the New Birtherism Torturism, the New Birtherism

Whether or not torture procured any clues leading to bin Laden’s death, Trump's birther base can obsess over it, magnifying every rumor out of all proportion.

May 5, 2011 / The Notion / Leslie Savan

Congressional Caucus Chairs Tell Obama: ‘Now is the Time (to Exit) Afghanistan’ Congressional Caucus Chairs Tell Obama: ‘Now is the Time (to Exit) Afghanistan’

With Osama gone, chairs Congressional Progressive Caucus join chairs emeritus of the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus say bring the troops...

May 5, 2011 / Blog / John Nichols

Osama bin Laden’s American Legacy Osama bin Laden’s American Legacy

In every way that matters, bin Laden will fight on, barring a major policy shift in Afghanistan, and it’s we who will ensure that he remains on the battlefield of the glo...

May 5, 2011 / Tom Engelhardt

After Osama bin Laden

After Osama bin Laden After Osama bin Laden

The purpose of terrorism is to provoke an irrational response that makes a nation less secure and less free. In the wake of 9/11, America became that place. Can we change course?

May 5, 2011 / Editorial / The Editors

After Osama bin Laden’s Death, an End to ‘Bad Guys’

After Osama bin Laden’s Death, an End to ‘Bad Guys’ After Osama bin Laden’s Death, an End to ‘Bad Guys’

It's time to banish our dangerously-simplified us-versus-them mentality and recognize the world as it is: shot through with suffering and complexity.

May 5, 2011 / Editorial / Chris Hayes

With bin Laden Dead, Will We Keep Trying to Kill Our Way to Peace? With bin Laden Dead, Will We Keep Trying to Kill Our Way to Peace?

Our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have not helped our national security, Jeremy Scahill says, and the US is actually giving people in Afghanistan a reason to want to fight Ameri...

May 4, 2011 / Nation in the News / Press Room
