
It’s Not a Game: Sarah Palin and the Madness of March It’s Not a Game: Sarah Palin and the Madness of March

Last March, Sarah Palin unleashed a sports-infused tirade that shows more than a lack of basketball acumen: it shows a comfort in the language of violence that should disquali...

Jan 10, 2011 / The Notion / Dave Zirin

The Inherent Self-Destruction of Government-vs.-the People Ideology The Inherent Self-Destruction of Government-vs.-the People Ideology

The violence in Arizona is about more than Sarah Palin's semantics. It's an indictment of decades' worth of right-wing enemy-in-our-midst politics and governance.

Jan 10, 2011 / The Notion / Kai Wright

After Arizona Shooting, Obama Should Fight Fringe Extremism Like Clinton Did

After Arizona Shooting, Obama Should Fight Fringe Extremism Like Clinton Did After Arizona Shooting, Obama Should Fight Fringe Extremism Like Clinton Did

Without politicizing the tragic shootings in Arizona, Obama should be clear about the dangers this country faces if the climate of right-wing hate remains unchallenged.

Jan 10, 2011 / The Notion / Ari Berman

Palin Put a Gun Target on Giffords’s District; Now a Colleague Says: ‘Palin Needs to Look at Her Own Behavior’

Palin Put a Gun Target on Giffords’s District; Now a Colleague Says: ‘Palin Needs to Look at Her Own Behavior’ Palin Put a Gun Target on Giffords’s District; Now a Colleague Says: ‘Palin Needs to Look at Her Own Behavior’

The tragedy in Arizona has sparked an overdue dialogue about how to maintain robust debate in a civil society.

Jan 9, 2011 / Blog / John Nichols

An Attack on Government, an Attack on the Public, an Attack on Democracy

An Attack on Government, an Attack on the Public, an Attack on Democracy An Attack on Government, an Attack on the Public, an Attack on Democracy

At the moment, we don't know if gunman Jared Lee Loughner was motivated by partisanship or ideology. But his shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her constituents was a...

Jan 9, 2011 / The Notion / Richard Kim

What’s the Matter With My Arizona? What’s the Matter With My Arizona?

How can we even have a discussion about decent gun control laws when guns and the gun lobby are woven into the fabric of life for those of us who grew up in Arizona?

Jan 9, 2011 / Jeff Biggers

You Say Sarah Palin’s Just Not Extreme Enough? How About Michele Bachmann for President? You Say Sarah Palin’s Just Not Extreme Enough? How About Michele Bachmann for President?

The Tea Party congresswoman from Minnesota is headed for the first-caucus state of Iowa. She's openly discussing a presidential bid. But would she really run? Only "...

Jan 8, 2011 / Blog / John Nichols

This Week at TheNation.com: Hope in 2011. Plus: A New Nation Fellow This Week at TheNation.com: Hope in 2011. Plus: A New Nation Fellow

 Hope in 2011. Plus: The Nation Institute welcomes a new fellow.

Jan 7, 2011 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster

The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster

Could the Senate start getting things done, if only legislators didn't have to face filibuster threats? This week on The Breakdown: the history of the filibuster, and how to get ri...

Jan 7, 2011 / Audio / Chris Hayes

Obama’s New Wall Street White House Obama’s New Wall Street White House

Ari Berman explains the message Obama is sending by appointing William Daley and Gene Sperling to his White House team.

Jan 7, 2011 / Nation in the News / Press Room
