
The New, Improved Republican Party

The New, Improved Republican Party The New, Improved Republican Party

Are you a woman, person of color, or anyone who isn't a well-off white male? The GOP is for you!

Mar 5, 2013 / Blog / Tom Tomorrow

HBO, Renew ‘Enlightened’ Already!

HBO, Renew ‘Enlightened’ Already! HBO, Renew ‘Enlightened’ Already!

The show’s finale on Sunday really gave us just the beginning of the activist’s story.

Mar 5, 2013 / Blog / Michelle Dean

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Voters Rejected Romney’s Policies, Now the GOP Needs to Get a Clue

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Voters Rejected Romney’s Policies, Now the GOP Needs to Get a Clue Katrina vanden Heuvel: Voters Rejected Romney’s Policies, Now the GOP Needs to Get a Clue

Mitt Romney blames bad messaging, but the reality is his proposals were out of touch, especially with minorities.

Mar 5, 2013 / Nation in the News / Press Room

Paul Ryan Looks to Break an Old Promise With a New Plan to Mess With Medicare

Paul Ryan Looks to Break an Old Promise With a New Plan to Mess With Medicare Paul Ryan Looks to Break an Old Promise With a New Plan to Mess With Medicare

The House Budget Committee chairman is so determined to advance his austerity agenda that he’s talking about abandoning commitments to Americans nearing retirement.

Mar 5, 2013 / Blog / John Nichols

It’s Time to Tax Financial Transactions

It’s Time to Tax Financial Transactions It’s Time to Tax Financial Transactions

The Dow hit a new high yesterday. A small tax on Wall Street trading could alleviate some of our drastic sequester cuts—and the majority of Americans support it.

Mar 5, 2013 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Whiny Billionaires in Need of Sequestration

Whiny Billionaires in Need of Sequestration Whiny Billionaires in Need of Sequestration

As cuts in services for struggling Americans go into effect, nine Wall Street executives who are profiting off the recession just received $1 billion in bonuses.

Mar 5, 2013 / Robert Scheer

Obama Makes a Strong Choice to Head the EPA

Obama Makes a Strong Choice to Head the EPA Obama Makes a Strong Choice to Head the EPA

Gina McCarthy appears to have a long-term vision for combating climate change, and the experience to implement it. 

Mar 5, 2013 / Blog / George Zornick

School Breakfasts and Ending Child Hunger

School Breakfasts and Ending Child Hunger School Breakfasts and Ending Child Hunger

A recent study shows that school breakfasts can help alleviate child hunger. Will President Obama take action on his pledge to end it? 

Mar 5, 2013 / Blog / Greg Kaufmann

Lobbyists Targeting Liberal Groups Channeled Chinese Hackers’ Strategy

Lobbyists Targeting Liberal Groups Channeled Chinese Hackers’ Strategy Lobbyists Targeting Liberal Groups Channeled Chinese Hackers’ Strategy

The Chamber of Commerce was planning a campaign to illegally hack its critics, and others could easily follow suit. Will cyberwar extend to domestic political campaigns?

Mar 4, 2013 / Blog / Lee Fang

If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US?

If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US? If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US?

Swiss voters just empowered shareholders to restrict and restrain corporate abuses. The US should follow their lead, especially when it comes to corporate influence on campaigns.&n...

Mar 4, 2013 / Blog / John Nichols
